Wednesday, June 15, 2005

WhAt tHe...

fri... went to the city again... guess what we did again? yep, karaoke! i think the place is like... u either choose english and jap/korean or u choose eng and chinese songs only... whenever i choose a chinese song to sing, the machine kept skipping my songs, and i am like wat the hell???
and moreover, the machine took such a long time to change songs... hmmph...

that first day at work at cherrybrook was good, the staff was quite friendly and we got to have our first hands-on experience... quite nervous at first cos i didn't noe how to do payment by cheque and credit card... and the one incident that stood out was, someone bought this vegetable that looked to me like a big lettuce, so okay, i was searching really hard for the code for lettuce, and our trainer came over and told me that the vegetable was called wombok... wat the heck is that? never even heard of it before...

now, i am counting down to the exams, and i am so stressed over my oTTP assignment, i really dunno how to do! and the weightage for this is very high, 75% of the total mark... who can help me?

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