Saturday, June 18, 2005

7 wkS oF hoLiDAyS AhEaD...

finally, i can blog again! after a wk of no blogging bcos of exams, i can blog all i want... exams as usual, suck, what other adjectives are there to describe it? was quite disappointed with myself, cos i didn't really study hard enough, i guess, that's why i noe that i totally screwed up in psychology and human occupations... the night before, still watching tv...

nothing much happened during the week of absence, except that prisy and me went to play netball with her workmates and i really enjoyed myself, long time no exercise that hard, the only thing was i had to pay $15 just to play... really expensive...hmm... maybe i should just stick to playing badminton...

now that exams are over, i have to start working to earn money, the cashiering job is good but tiring, today, was supposed to go to the new store at thornleigh, where i will be working, to work, when i arrived there, they asked me to go clean the shelves, the dustbins, clean this, clean that, and i was thinking, no way i want to do this till 5pm... i thought maybe they would just ask me to go stack the items on the shelves... so i cleaned for 3 hours, and then i told them that i am not feeling well and i went home... pple may think that i am stupid or too pampered, pple giving u money to clean, ehy dun want... well, watever... i dun mind doing stacking, but not cleaning...

was very happy to hear from melissa, like a million years never hear from her already... and the weird thing was that, just yesterday morning, i was thinking abt her, and i wanted to maybe send her an email... and then came back and saw her email... saw that she maybe want to come here and study too... really hope she can come, then i will have more company...

today, saw the email from nyp about the WFOT congress here in sydney, then went to check the website, and i almost fainted, the registration fees for students, was like $400 over! how to attend??!!! why so expensive! i really wanted to go, cos it's right here in sydney, and not in other faraway country... anybody from nyp thinking of coming to attend the congress???!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...