Wednesday, June 01, 2005

SyDneY syMpHonY...

sun... very excited cos guess what? we are going to the sydney opera house to listen to a symphony! haha... normally, the tickets are really expensive just to watch a symphony there rite... but michelle found a charity symphony that day which costs only $15, which was relatively cheaper as compared to the other performances...

so... me and prisy got to wear nicer-looking clothes that day... and we are on our way to the sydney opera house... it lasted only for an hour and a half... i really enjoyed it... especially the part where the soprano singers started to sing... the sad truth was... i really am not the 'artistically- inclined' sort of person... cos i dozed off about halfway thru the symphony... not that it was boring or anything... just that the piece went on and on and on... all in all, it was really nice, i got to see what the inside of the concert hall looked like and i got to visit my fav toilet again! i think it was full house that night btw... alot of Japanese though, cos it was a collaboration between Australia and Japanese musicians...

and then after that, michelle brought to this restaurant called Pancakes on the rocks... whoa... long queue... i was told that it is quite a popular place among youngsters... i ordered this vanilla and choc surprise and it was really sweet... topped with ice-cream and choc syrup... it was really yummy... but it's those kind of food that the more u eat, the more 'xian' u become...hmm... overall, it was a nice sunday night out...

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