Friday, June 03, 2005

DecIsIons, DeCisiOnS...

tues... got back my video interview that I did with prisy... did alright, even though she didn't use a real life experience, which we were supposed to... the thing was, Paul didn't really give us feedback on how we can improve in future, he just wrote what we did well... how do we noe what went wrong? still thinking of whether i should go ask him...
the whole tues night was spent on studying for the viva... sigh... i think i can manage on the practical part but a little shaky on the shaky part... especially the section on measurements for chairs and wheelchairs...

wed... viva... got 3 questions... i got the rolling from supine to a side-lying position, verbal instructions only, the transfer from bed to wheelchair, also verbal instructions only... and the blind one... so "heng" that i didn't get the measurements one... karen got it though, unfortunately... she was very upset about it... cos she also dun noe how to do... i think i did okay, except for the first task where i was nervous and turned my client onto her unaffected side.... it was supposed to be her affected side... i was really confused... cos the manual said that we have to turn the client on their unaffected sides... huh...

prisy asked me whether i want to go back at the end of the year with her... i really want to go back but i have alot to consider... like whether i can afford to and whether pong wants to come over during her long holiday... i miss home... all i can think of are things that i will do and eat if i go back home... hopefully, i can go back...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...