Wednesday, June 08, 2005

CouNtinG doWn...

sun... stayed at home all day, wanted to complete at least one section of the OTTP assignment, in the end, ended up doing nothing constructive... why??? i am the queen of procrastination!
went to this shoe shop at chatswood, saw this black leather shoe the other time with prisy and thought that i would explore my options first then come back and buy... who noes... when i reached there, it was closed... both sat and sun... oh man... have to start work at woolies already and i dun have a black shoe to wear...

mon... back to school, it's already wk13... it's cliched, i noe, but... time passes so fast... like in 2 weeks' time, exams are here and after that, it will be semester 2... still remember when i left singapore to come here... sigh...
at night, had to go to top ryde for cashier training... it was similar to the one that i went for fairprice... except that... it's a good news to me... they told us that if we give customers the wrong change, we DUN have to pay the difference out of our own pocket! can u imagine my relief when i heard that??!... cos when i worked in fairprice, i already had to give $20 out cos i think i gave too much change back to the customer... imagine how stressed i felt when at the end of the shift, we had to tally our cash with the computer's...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...