Thursday, June 23, 2005

SiAn aH...

here i am blogging... i am so bored right now, and just thinking about the next 6 weeks ok hols' makes me feel so sian... not that i am complaining that the hols' are too long... but all my frens will be going on clinicals for the next 2 weeks except me... what am i going to do?? got posted to this paediatric camp in this farraway place instead in september... but i heard that it will be fun though... cos the kids in the camp will be doing activities like canoeing, rock-climbing, archery, etc...

went to karen's house on mon to watch the hongkong serial, Xin Hua Fang, the show is so long, we still haven't even reach the halfway of the show yet... played this scrabble-like game too as we gorge on KFC and chips and maltesers... once again... i declare myself to be anti-KFC... the taste and smell of it just turns me off... she also cooked lunch for us, which tasted quite good actually... thanks, karen...

yesterday, went to burwood to shop with amelia, and both of us bought quite alot of stuff... i bought a fleecy jacket, it's really soft, like u noe "mao mao", a black thermal, i think i should have gotten a white one instead, and a white blouse for work... hmmm... we passed by this shop called Despring, which also has 2 outlets in singapore too... and the clothes were really cheap and good quality too... wanted to buy quite a few stuff... but then i was already holding quite alot of stuff and spent like $50 already... so in the end, didn't buy anything there... maybe i should just go back there wif prisy before the sale ends...

and then after that, we went to watch Batman Begins... the first half hour was boring though, only gets interesting afterwards... i really think that the actor who acted as Batman looks like Tom Cruise... no wonder Katie Holmes is dating him... haha...
Star Wars Ep 3 was better though...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...