Friday, December 12, 2008

WeT wEt WEt...

i survived the end of the second week of placement... whew... seriously i think i did more reading than more clinical work... it was really boring... anyway, can't wait to finish placement although i think i will miss my supervisor and the staff at the unit cos they are all very nice... but mental health is just for me... met up with piyo and her parents last wed for dinner at ceci's haha again... however, bcos they had a buffet lunch before they were still full, so in the end, i think they did not really enjoy the food... but it was nice to see piyo again, have not seen her for awhile, not even when i was back in singapore earlier... she looked the same but i think she looked slimmer... after dinner, we did not really do much cos it was raining... it has been raining for the past few days... and today was so heavy, it was raining practically from morning till night... but apparently it's going to be hot again starting tomorrow, the weather here is really whacked... i don't mind it being cold, just not hot... and not raining when i am outside...

went to see yochi yesterday to show her the grad gown, cos she is thinking of getting one made in indo rather than rent one here... so we just did some catching up cos we probably would not be seeing each other for awhile... and today, went for a haircut at this korean place at west ryde... i like the place there, the only thing is that they speak little english, so it was very difficult to tell them what i wanted... and the price is quite reasonable... oh and anna got her honours results back already and as expected she did really well, and now i am stressing out abt it, although i know that there is no use worrying abt it, cos there is nothing i can do abt it now... just have to wait till next mon or tues before i know the results... really crossing my fingers and toes...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...