Tuesday, December 23, 2008


last friday was the last day of placement and officially i have completed the degree course... so now i am on a two week holiday before i join the working class... no more early days, and self-declared holidays... not much happening these past few days, still trying to look for a pair of black shoes to wear to work... what am i going to wear when i start work... headache... watched jumper that day, my advice is, don't bother watching the show and wasting time... the story has no plot at all and the main characters can't act... but i thought the chronicles of narnia prince caspian was pretty good, although the fight scenes were better in part 1 and alot of the battle scenes in part 2 looked like it was copied from lord of the rings... also, i started watching this jap drama called nodame cantabile... the show is ok, occasionally quite funny but i expected something nicer, judging from the reviews and the recommendations the show got...

two more days before christmas is here... it's always boring when there is a public holiday here, especially christmas, cos all shops are closed, everywhere is quiet... boring... this year i am only working on christmas eve night, and we are closed on both christmas day and boxing day... and i was not rostered on new year's day... damn... an opportunity wasted to earn more money... seriously i am really considering if i want to continue at woolies... i am so over working there and being the "cleaning" lady...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...