Friday, August 29, 2008


this year's birthday was not as exciting and happening as the previous two years... spent the day watching my 命中 what else... and then prisy and mich suggested that we go out for dinner in the city... so i suggested going to my fav spicy beef place in chinatown... toufic and steve came along too... after dinner, we went for dessert at passionflower... i ate my waffles... was actually tossing up between the waffles and the brownies thing but went for the waffles in the end...

i would be lying if i said i was not disappointed with this year's non-happening birthday but i guess everybody's busy with their pracs... but i was still glad that people remembered my birthday... now i am sounding like 陈欣怡。。。 haha... i guess this year's birthday wish is 1) to be able to graduate with first class honours, 2) get a job that i enjoy doing, 3) family is healthy and well, 4) get PR and 5) be able to go home... i prob should say wishes :)

attended the careers fair today at uni... i actually enjoyed the fair today, cos the reps were really helpful and friendly, and of course, got free stuff to collect... but the only thing was i wished that they have a variety of employers rather than just mostly occ rehab providers... i am actually interested in doing a prac in occ rehab to gain some work experience so hopefully i can do one after the mental health placement...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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