Wednesday, August 06, 2008


if you have not already realised, under my avid bloggers, there are only 3 people... 3!!! nobody i know is blogging these days... it's very sad... i actually think blogging is kind of a way where i am able to go back to the previous years and look at what i was doing then... so anyway, i will continue to blog, but nothing have been really exciting lately... except august is here, which means yours truly's bday is coming, which means my conference is coming (save me!!!), which means i am about to graduate soon like in 4 months' time, i think this coming 4 months is going to be one of the most stressful period of my life...

i was really envious when i saw the picture that huimin emailed with the 3 of them wearing their graduation gowns... but thinking about that makes me worried as well... cos i dun know how i am going to handle the working life... that will be a whole new challenge... everyone around me has already started working... half of me wants to quickly finish studying and join the working people... but the other half of me still prefer to study... bcos i can still slack sometimes...

anyway, the only exciting thing was i went to watch the dark knight with prisy and family yesterday... i thought the fighting scenes were good and the joker was really creepy... heath ledger really played the role well...

on another note... i am still waiting to watch 命中 every week... now it's been confirmed that there will be 24 episodes and the show will end on the 24 aug... it's going to kill me... seriously...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...