Monday, May 26, 2008

WeEk 12 ALreADy...

auntie and uncle are back from singapore... appareantly it was really hot over there...
the week following camp... nothing much except same old boring stuff again, but finally out of the 20 emails that i have sent... one person emailed and said she would like to participate in the study... seriously... why can't more people be like this lady? it's only a miserable hour out of their schedule... not like i am asking them to give me half their days... and plus, i am going to them so they dun even have to travel...

went to uni on thursday... met up with zz... had lunch and went to do our stuff in the library... the plan initially was to go hang out at their house and watch movie... but they were all busy with their assignments... and saw my supervisor on my way to the library... and she asked me if i could wait for her till 4pm cos she wanted to catch up... 4pm went and passed and it was like 430pm and she still has not msged me... so i decided to go look for her... and if she was not there, i am leaving... when i went to her office, she was there and we went through my draft writing and talked abt the camp... and the interview on wednesday... we left ard 5pm and went to zz's house... watched stardust (i think this must be my 3rd time) with silvana... actually quite liked the show... had dinner with the girls... felt paiseh cos they were all busy doing their assignments... their lives are so much more exciting and happening than mine... sigh... wished i could travel ard like them... oh and we finally caught up on our backlog of csi and medium...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...