Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NErD cAmp PARt 2...

Oops... accidentally pressed the post button...

anyway, it was really nice scenery once you get up there... but nothing really much to do at night... so we had dinner and played some board games like balderdash and taboo... and the bed was alright, they provided us with 2 blankets, but the pillow was so flat, it was literally non-existent... i could not sleep for the first night and plus, it was a double bed and the person sleeping above me kept tossing and turning and the whole bed kept shaking... it was horrible...

The next day, it was a full day from 10am-6pm... my brain felt like all the brain cells were dead and i had such a bad headache at the end of the day... and the food was bad... and cos i helped to prepare dinner... which was a bbq... i was assigned to cut the onions... i was like shit i have never cut onions before and i dunno how... and this girl was like oh just cut them into rings will do... crap, i dun even know how to do that... so i just did what i thought was supposed to be right... and thankfully, it still came out okay... and tears were like flowing from my eyes... the food also sucked... after dinner, we had dessert and we played uno and bluff and poker... but after awhile, i went to bed... it was too much for my brain... the second night seemed better and bcos there were 6 of us sharing a room, the rest woke up so early, like 730am and i had to wake up too cos of all the talking and moving around...

the second day was not as draining but it was so boring... and i had to do my little presentation on qual analysis... i honestly think that the camp is not productive for me at all... cos i dun have my materials and my own environment... so really i did not do much writing... and most of the girls also thought so... but when we mentioned to annie about maybe instead of having a camp, just do like a whole day at uni, where we dun have to sleep over... she did not look too happy... anna and i both agree that the most productive thing to do next semester was instead of having tutorials every week, we should just have individual consultations... i think that would be much more helpful...

it was good to be back after two days of being in the middle of nowhere and be among civilisation again... and of couse, sleeping in my own bed, with no one moving the bed the entire night...

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