Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NErD cAmp...

I decided to recount the entire 3 days 2 nights camp that was like a nightmare from hell...
okay, left home on sunday afternoon to meet up with anna at west ryde cos initially the plan was to catch public transport to church point wharf... but anna said she would drive instead, so i caught a lift from her... and at west ryde woolies, i went to get all the foodstuff that i was assigned to bring... which was 2l of milk, 2l of tomato sauce and 4 humongous onions... so i was lugging like 5kg on each hand... 5kg of food, another 5 kg in my bag cos of the laptop... remind me never to bring my laptop anywhere ever!!! and a bagpack...

on the way there... we almost overshot my destination cos when we passed the marina and went further away from the water into the forest, both of us were like okay we better pull over and see where we were... and true enough, we passed the marina and was driving into the national park... so we had to reverse and drive back down... and the journey there took us about an hour... and bcos the parking there had to pay... anna parked like on the roadside which was a 10 min walk from the wharf... my hands were red already from carrying the food and my bag from the car to the wharf... got onto the ferry, when we arrived at Hall's wharf where the hostel was, it was like pure hell... we had to climb uphill for like half an hour before arriving at the hostel... i almost died on the way up... i was really exhausted from carrying all those heavy stuff... i was really tempted to just dump the food bag... i swore never to go there again!!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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