Saturday, May 03, 2008

HeLLo MAy...

the next day after uncle and auntie left for singapore... the green car cannot start and we had to call the insurance company to come change the battery... and we were saying how things always are breaking down on us when uncle go away... cos the last time this happened, it was also when they left...

went to lunch with amelia at the korean place at epping... i did not really like the food, it was like soup and vegetables more than anything else... and it is quite expensive... still thought that we have finally found a nice korean place to eat rather than having to go all the way to strathfield... but ceci's still better... and then went to service my car... apparently i was a month late and they rang me to inform me that i have to bring in my car for service... had to wait for like 2 hours, so i decided to catch a train down to hornsby rather than just sit there and wait... and the service was really expensive... imagine me having to pay over $200 every 6 months...

went to uni on thursday for tutorial and to meet up with my supervisor... we finally were given the green light to start recruiting the participants for the study... so i have already emailed them and hopefully they will reply within the next few days... and i also have to go get the equipment... hopefully i will get 10 people to participate... cross my fingers...

been watching this anime called vandread... it was actually not bad... the fighting scenes were cool and it's like transformers... and a few other movies... like doom, alien vs predator 2 , resident evil 2, arthur and the invisibles... and amelia lent me a few shows as well... but they are all quite old... will have to control myself...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...