Friday, May 09, 2008

Out WiTH tHe oLD, in wiTh ThE nEw...

one week now, and i am still waiting for the people to email me saying that they are interested in participating in my study... alamak... starting to panic... what if I don't any replies back??!! (deep breaths andrea...)

last weekend, when i went to work, found out that our top 2 supervisors are leaving permanently... not that i "bu she de", it's just that they have been there since i started... and now more new faces in the store than "old" faces...

prisy came back early from work that day... and we drove to rouse hill... just the two of us... i like the drive there bcos the air is so refreshing and you can admire the houses and not much traffic... like going on a mini road trip... went to the city to get the digital voice recorder for my interviews... quite cool, works like an mp3 player... but this can only record voices... went to uni yesterday for tutorial... got back the feedback for my presentation... and one of the things i got marked down for was bcos i wore trackshoes... apparently it was not formal enough... i was quite annoyed... it was not even like a formal presenation anyways... and after that, went to zhenzhen's surprise party... ate cake that silvana baked... two actually... then had dinner and chatted... quite looking forward to this sunday... hmm... girly theme huh??

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...