Thursday, January 17, 2008

IT's oVEr...

Finally!!! good news and bad news... the good news is placement has finally ended... 6 weeks of torture and annoyance is finally over... I hated the placement... the bad news is... I have to do another 4 weeks of mental health placement sometime this year... bcos my supervisor apparently told the uni that 12 days of clinical time is not enough for me to learn and be able to apply my skills so he suggested that we do another 4 weeks of placement somewhere in a similar setting to 'consolidate' our skills... so the annoyance has not ended... and I am definitely crossing my fingers hoping that I will get a good placement this time and I dun have to work with annoying people again...

yep, so finally I can really look forward to going back home... the weather here is crazy, one day it could be really hot and the next day, it could be raining and cold... and the creepy crawlies start to come out again... really looking forward to the HK trip as well...

met up with hong rui, xingyi, tricia and silvana last friday for dinner at epping... we had thai, the food was alright... and then we went to this twilight market... and as I expected, it was a really small scale market... so I really did not expect much... and so we decided to head to the city to lindt cafe... did not really feel like going, cos it was late already, when we left for the city, it was already 830pm, and when we arrived at lindt, it was like 9pm... we bought drinks... and i got my usual iced milk chocolate... it was really hot that day as well... and then we just sat and talk at the harbour... it was nice to be able to catch with them and hear what's happening with everybody... even though we only coursemates for like 3 months, it was really comfortable, not awkward at all... and we just abt the course, the difference between here and perth... it was really nice...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...