Saturday, January 12, 2008

FLy LikE a BULLet...

finally back at the hospital doing clinical work... and then what happened?? my supervior called in sick and I was supposed to run a group that day... so I was debating on whether to run it or not cos I needed someone to assess me... luckily, the dietitian whom I am working with on the project came together with the OT manager... so I was like oh thank god... at least they can then feedback to my supervisor my performance... and although I was quite disappointed that only 4 turned up, in a way it was good cos a smaller group was better to control and it went quite smoothly... the next session would be a challenge though... cos I think there will be more people and everyone would be there... I am just wracking my brains trying to think of interactive ways to present my stuff...

other than that, besides wishing for the days to go faster so that I can go home... went to the movies with prisy and edlyn at macquarie... we watched the golden compass... it was alright, abit like narnia... but apparently it's a trilogy, so there will be sequels coming... but i have to say, the costumes that nicole kidman wore in the movie are really nice... and prisy got me hooked onto this new series called moonlight... it's like a vampire show... and it so reminded me of the super long ago mediacorp show, with chew chor meng in it... i loved that show...

next week is the last week of placement... YES!!! free of all annoyance...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...