Friday, January 05, 2007

YEar 2007...

met up with huilin at bugis... she was late again as usual... wanted to eat first then walk but the foodcourt got so many pple and there was no empty seats so we decided to walk ard first then eat... basically all the shops were the same... except i saw the shop "mu"... i actually like the clothes that they sell there, cos very unique but so expensive... of course, we went to take pictures at the diamond christmas tree outisde inter continental hotel... very nice... after then went to eat at the foodcourt... after spending a long time looking for seats... we finally found one at the corner... after that, we decided to go to the national library cos both of us had never been there since it opened... but it was closed... sian man... so we had to settle for taking pictures outside... the place looked really big... we really wanted to take a look inside... after that, went to raffles city with her... and guess what, they have ben and jerry's at the basement marketplace... yaya... shared the brownie special... and there was this donut factory there and there was this really long queue... and then i remembered reading abt this donut place on the newspaper recently... singaporeans are all like that one lor... once they read abt something new... die die also must try even though they have to queue for so long... heard about the botak jones at ang mo kio also like that... after that... walked to marina square... walked till both our feet were aching then we decided to go home... huilin was like telling me that she actually goes to volunteer at the speech therapy dept at NUH... i also had the same thought, to go and volunteer at the OT depts before i came here, but i was feeling lazy so in the end did not go and apply...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...