Monday, January 08, 2007

4T2 ClaSS ReUnioN...

had our 4T2 class gathering finally... after like five years where most of us have not seen each other... although alot of pple did not turn up, i am still glad that pple made an effort to turn up cos it is really not easy to organise a class gathering/reunion... actually we were supposed to have dinner at pastamania, but ended up eating at this malay restaurant instead at arab street i think... btw, although i am a singaporean, today was the first time i have actually been to that area... alot of malay stalls and restaurants... anyway, it's good that we ate there cos we could seat together in a room with sofas and just eat and talk... we updated each other on what's happening with each of us... gossiped about pple in our class, teachers in crescent... even going to the extent where we wrote down what we think we will be doing in ten years' time... and we agreed to meet up in ten years' time again to see whether we have achieved the aims... ten years might seem like a really long time, but actually time really passes so quickly that it is going to seem like we just met yesterday or something... took pictures... and talked till quite late... was really tired by the time i got home...

finally went to huimin's house... her dog twain is soo cute... very nice to pet and very "guai"... haha unless you are unfortunate enough to want to do a good deed by spraying the ear liquid into his ear... or when he is trying to bully other dogs... huimin... thanks, i really enjoyed the time spent at ur home... maybe next time I can go again huh... oh and we went to meet up with aiwei who lives close to huimin... she still looked the same as I remembered except she's got long hair now... but still soft-spoken...

went to novena square yesterday for lunch... and guess who i saw outside pepper lunch... MRS SIAH!!! i was like holy shit... she still looks so scary and intimidating, what is she doing here??!! ohmigod... anyway, we did not end up eating at pepper lunch... after that went to visit the national library and it's huge... and even though it's like a normal weekday, there were so many pple there... did not venture upstairs though... after that, accompanied pong to go for the job interview at new york new york... but she ended up getting a job at pepper lunch...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...