Saturday, January 20, 2007

A viSiT...

went swimming and kbox at marina square... cos normally when we go kbox, it costed us $21... and that day, the cashier was like... okay two pple, that will be $35... i was like what!!??? the thing was if you are not a student, then it's $12+++ per person... so expensive... and then she wanted proof that both of us were students... i had no choice but to lie to say that i did not bring my student card... but we got to sing till our hearts' content...

and today, i went to NUS to visit siti and veena at their arts faculty... they brought me to the canteen at the engineering faculty cos the one at arts was under renovation... and there were so many pple and long queues at almost every store... in the end, i ate unagi with veena and it was at a reasonable price too... after that, they brought me on a tour around the faculty, the library, and then we attended one of her lectures on youth... quite interesting, and her lecturer was funny too... and the weather was so hot that day and as i was on my way home, it started to rain so heavily... shit man... this weird weather has got to stop, otherwise we will become sydney number 2!

btw, i have not gotten a sign yet, oh well, i have decided that i will do the program, since it's the same amount of time even if i dun do it... luckily anna's doing it with me... we can suffer together!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...