Thursday, January 25, 2007

PArT 2...

Day 3:
went to henderson early in the morning to eat roti prata, peanut cake and hum jin beng??!! then brought her around the hawker centres there, walked to bukit merah central, redhill market where we ate chee kueh and chee cheong fun... we were so full by the time we finished and the weather was so hot that day... took a bus to chinatown... OG, chinatown point, china square, far east square... halfway through, i felt my blister burst and my whole toe was so painful that we had to buy plaster before i could walk any further... then we took a bus down to bugis, where we visited the guanyin temple, which was crowded as usual... then after we walked through bugis street and went upstairs to eat at this place called
teenage@bugis street or something... it's quite nice and the prices were quite reasonable... we were so glad to see comfy chairs that we did not want to leave... walked ard bugis junction, then to national library... and thank god we have already arrived at the library before the heavy downpour... when we were there, we saw that they were conducting a free guided garden tour, so we decided to join since we were stuck in the library anyways... the tour was really long about an hour and half, but i really learnt alot of things abt the plants in singapore... very interesting... one tree that stood out for me was this tree called neem tree... the indians used this kind of tree for all sorts of medical problems... apparently, the whole tree is regarded to have medicinal properties... we even had a chance to go up to the 11th floor where the view below was amazing... after the rain stopped, we continued our journey to chijmes, then to raffles city...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...