Friday, January 12, 2007

WhAT's uP...

went kbox with pong at cineleisure... we got such a small room and like i really want to know how they calculate the prices... like what does all the +++ add up to?? this time we went costs us alot per person... and we also were given a small room... after that, went to cafe cartel to eat the waffles which i have been craving so much... a little disappointed bcos it was not crispy but overall, not bad... after that, went to meet up with denise and zhenzhen at food republic... i was so full after eating that waffle that i did not eat dinner... just sat there and watched them eat and talk... the design of the place was nice and unique but i found it abit squeezy... really wanted to try the food there, but i was so full... denise is going back to thailand and it would be another year before we will see each other again... hopefully...

went to swim with pong at toa payoh... i can't believe the entrance fees were so much cheaper as compared to the public pools in sydney... and the pools were clean and nice... although there were many pple swimming when we went there... went to mustafa centre at night with mum... i have never been there ever since it opened... cos i was thinking of bringing yochi there when she comes to visit... ohmigod... there were so many pple and it was so crowded... i could already feel a headache developing even before we went upstairs... and that place also abit hard to get to... but they really sell alot of stuff...

went to observe the OTs at alexandra hospital... and so coincidentally, i was under the same OT as I was before two years ago when i went there for observation too... basically just watching what she did with the outpatients who came to the hand clinic... and after it all, i was wondering if we really have to know how to do wound care and make the splints ourselves... bcos what happened there was wound care was done by one of the therapy assisstants and the cutting out of the splints were already pre-prepared already... so all the therapist has to do was choose the appropriate one, put it in hot water and mould it to the patient's hand... so does that mean that we dun have to manually draw the shape of the splints and cut them out ourselves??!! and then while i was following her on the ward rounds... the head of the discussion team was like asking the medical students and i assumed are the doctors and specialists, how to differentiate this and that with reference to the x-ray of the cervical spine of a patient, and nobody could answer the question except for this medical student... and the head of the team was like saying how embarrasing it was that the registrar did not know the answer and it was the medical student who answered instead... alamak, so paiseh...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...