Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Oh. mY. gOD...

Day 5:
last day of yochi's visit here... went to the new bottle tree park at yishun... apparently the bottle trees were imported from australia... but i have not seen those kind of trees before myself... then we went to chinatown again bcos she wanted to get something for her friend then we took a train down to vivocity, then a cable car to sentosa... when we arrived at sentosa, yochi suggested that we walk the dragon's trail... okay and it turned out to be a long and muddy route, from one end of sentosa to the other... and bcos of the rain the past few days, the ground was so muddy... i hated it... and the trail led us all the way to silosa beach and we caught the beach tram, which brought us on the trail along the beach... and btw, sentosa changed alot since the last time i've been there... the monorail is gone, there were beach trams and new attractions... but still an expensive place where only tourists would go... went to merlion's park, then caught another tram to pelawan beach... where we took a walk along the beach and crossed the wooden bridge to the other side... ate ice cream at movenpick's cos it was soo hot... then walked over to the new attraction called close encounter... watched the bird show... then walked a long way back to the bus station to take a bus back to the cable car station... cos we bought a return ticket, we got down at mount faber... and it was a complete nightmare! reason: bcos there is NO other way to get down other than taking a taxi or a cable car... but bcos we dun want to take taxi, we decided to walk... and when we were asking for directions from the guy manning this cafe... the expression on his face when we told him that we were going to walk down was just comical... and it took us half an hour to walk down mount faber... and the worst thing was, halfway through there was no footpaths for pedestrains to walk on so we had to walk on the road... it was so ridiculous... we were so tired by the time we got down and the road down was so quiet, i was so glad to hear the cars, telling us that we have finally reached the main road... one of my worst days ever...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

PaRt 3...

Day 4:
we started our journey late... reached city hall ard 11am, then walked to the esplanade... was quite disappointed bcos most of the shops were not open even though it was so late already and the exhibits this time were not very interesting... visited the library there, very big and nice btw... my first time there also... then walked to the merlion... ate bbq stingray... fullerton hotel... the nice toilet there... one of my wishes is to be able to stay in the fullerton hotel... how nice would that be... it's my favourite hotel in singapore... then we went to the asian civilisation museum... arts museum... the supreme court, walked acoss the padang to marina square, suntec city mall... and yochi wnated to look for this church that was apparently inside suntec, and both of us could not believe it when we realised that the church was the rock thing on the third floor... i really thought it was an arcade or something... our first reaction was whoa very funky... dun even look like a church... then to eat ben and jerry's... took a shuttle bus back to city hall, to plaza singapura and the cathay... first time to cathay also, but nothing much to see actually... then we went to national museum... it's free of charge if you go after 6pm... i have never been there myself... but i was really glad that i did after touring the place... the main exhibits were on swedish inventions and the exhibits upstairs were on the history of singapore, like the fashion, films, food and photography in the past... very very interesting... i think everyone should really go take a look... it's unforgettable...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

PArT 2...

Day 3:
went to henderson early in the morning to eat roti prata, peanut cake and hum jin beng??!! then brought her around the hawker centres there, walked to bukit merah central, redhill market where we ate chee kueh and chee cheong fun... we were so full by the time we finished and the weather was so hot that day... took a bus to chinatown... OG, chinatown point, china square, far east square... halfway through, i felt my blister burst and my whole toe was so painful that we had to buy plaster before i could walk any further... then we took a bus down to bugis, where we visited the guanyin temple, which was crowded as usual... then after we walked through bugis street and went upstairs to eat at this place called
teenage@bugis street or something... it's quite nice and the prices were quite reasonable... we were so glad to see comfy chairs that we did not want to leave... walked ard bugis junction, then to national library... and thank god we have already arrived at the library before the heavy downpour... when we were there, we saw that they were conducting a free guided garden tour, so we decided to join since we were stuck in the library anyways... the tour was really long about an hour and half, but i really learnt alot of things abt the plants in singapore... very interesting... one tree that stood out for me was this tree called neem tree... the indians used this kind of tree for all sorts of medical problems... apparently, the whole tree is regarded to have medicinal properties... we even had a chance to go up to the 11th floor where the view below was amazing... after the rain stopped, we continued our journey to chijmes, then to raffles city...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

YoChi's viSiT...

Yochi's finally in singapore... yay for five days...
Day 1: one word to describe---- Disastrous! why? bcos after picking her up from the airport, we decided to go at at pepper lunch at novena square, but when we were about to leave, it started raining like shit, but we had to go home anyways... so the three of us had to share 2 tiny umbrellas and we were soaked... it was really the worst wet day of my life... i dun think i have ever been that wet before... except maybe during a shower... but it was also disgusting, cos the rain water kept coming onto my legs and there were huge puddles everywhere... strong winds... poor yochi, it was only her first day here and she ended up getting wet...

Day 2: much much better day, bcos it did not rain... but... my legs are aching and i have got a blister on my big toe... pain... anyway a recount of my day was as follows:
went to mustafa early in the morning... was not as crowded as the last time when i went, thank god... then after that, we went to toa payoh and yochi was so funny, she was so excited when we were on the double decker bus... we sat on the first row of seats... introduced her to carrot cake, then we went to nanyang poly where the class was having an OT day exhibition... i was so glad to see all my ex-classmates again... have not seen them for like 2 years... the exhibition was very good, we should have something similar in our campus too... then i brought her around the campus, to show her how big and nice nyp was, and we also drank the yummy soya bean drink in the canteen... we were actually supposed to go visit huimin at ntu that day but we were feeliing tired that we did not feel like travelling that far away... so we went back home to put down all the extra stuff, to rest and then resume our journey into orchard... brought yochi to far east plaza, ate tutu, went to shaw house to check out the movies, but we did not watch any in the end, went to wisma atria's food republic to eat teppanyaki, on our way up the escalator to food republic, the escalator started making funny noises and jerking, yochi and i were like looking at each other in dread, pls do not stop in the middle of nowhere or worse, dun go back down the other way and the escalator was actually quite high too... then to takashimaya, lucky plaza... by the time we finished heeren, both of our legs were aching like hell, mine especially... so we decided to go home in the end... when i got home, my feet were hurting badly and i had a blister on my right toe... pain...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A viSiT...

went swimming and kbox at marina square... cos normally when we go kbox, it costed us $21... and that day, the cashier was like... okay two pple, that will be $35... i was like what!!??? the thing was if you are not a student, then it's $12+++ per person... so expensive... and then she wanted proof that both of us were students... i had no choice but to lie to say that i did not bring my student card... but we got to sing till our hearts' content...

and today, i went to NUS to visit siti and veena at their arts faculty... they brought me to the canteen at the engineering faculty cos the one at arts was under renovation... and there were so many pple and long queues at almost every store... in the end, i ate unagi with veena and it was at a reasonable price too... after that, they brought me on a tour around the faculty, the library, and then we attended one of her lectures on youth... quite interesting, and her lecturer was funny too... and the weather was so hot that day and as i was on my way home, it started to rain so heavily... shit man... this weird weather has got to stop, otherwise we will become sydney number 2!

btw, i have not gotten a sign yet, oh well, i have decided that i will do the program, since it's the same amount of time even if i dun do it... luckily anna's doing it with me... we can suffer together!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

IT'S raiNiNg (AgAiN)...

if u thought i was going to talk about the korean singer Rain... you are wrong... it has started to rain like shit again almost everyday... sian man... but btw, there's been so much news on Rain and his concert here that it's ridiculous... and i can't believe pple actually are willing to fork out so much money to go to his concert... $488!!! crazy...

went to watch night at the museum... i quite like it actually... ben stiller was quite funny... and we also saw the trailer of the new harry potter movie... looks quite exciting... can't wait for it to come out... apparently it's only coming in july... so long...

and i just was told by my auntie that uni sent me an offer into the honours program... i dunno whether to be glad or troubled??!! i dunno what this feeling is... can't decide if i really want to do it though... i also found out that huilin got offered too... but like she is definitely doing it... and i dunno what to do... and nobody can give me advice really... maybe i shall just wait for a sign...

and DAVID BECKHAM is going to america to play football... i can't believe it... that means that i can't watch him play already... the stupid manager at real madrid is even not letting him play in his final matches in real madrid... what the hell!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

WhAT's uP...

went kbox with pong at cineleisure... we got such a small room and like i really want to know how they calculate the prices... like what does all the +++ add up to?? this time we went costs us alot per person... and we also were given a small room... after that, went to cafe cartel to eat the waffles which i have been craving so much... a little disappointed bcos it was not crispy but overall, not bad... after that, went to meet up with denise and zhenzhen at food republic... i was so full after eating that waffle that i did not eat dinner... just sat there and watched them eat and talk... the design of the place was nice and unique but i found it abit squeezy... really wanted to try the food there, but i was so full... denise is going back to thailand and it would be another year before we will see each other again... hopefully...

went to swim with pong at toa payoh... i can't believe the entrance fees were so much cheaper as compared to the public pools in sydney... and the pools were clean and nice... although there were many pple swimming when we went there... went to mustafa centre at night with mum... i have never been there ever since it opened... cos i was thinking of bringing yochi there when she comes to visit... ohmigod... there were so many pple and it was so crowded... i could already feel a headache developing even before we went upstairs... and that place also abit hard to get to... but they really sell alot of stuff...

went to observe the OTs at alexandra hospital... and so coincidentally, i was under the same OT as I was before two years ago when i went there for observation too... basically just watching what she did with the outpatients who came to the hand clinic... and after it all, i was wondering if we really have to know how to do wound care and make the splints ourselves... bcos what happened there was wound care was done by one of the therapy assisstants and the cutting out of the splints were already pre-prepared already... so all the therapist has to do was choose the appropriate one, put it in hot water and mould it to the patient's hand... so does that mean that we dun have to manually draw the shape of the splints and cut them out ourselves??!! and then while i was following her on the ward rounds... the head of the discussion team was like asking the medical students and i assumed are the doctors and specialists, how to differentiate this and that with reference to the x-ray of the cervical spine of a patient, and nobody could answer the question except for this medical student... and the head of the team was like saying how embarrasing it was that the registrar did not know the answer and it was the medical student who answered instead... alamak, so paiseh...

Monday, January 08, 2007

4T2 ClaSS ReUnioN...

had our 4T2 class gathering finally... after like five years where most of us have not seen each other... although alot of pple did not turn up, i am still glad that pple made an effort to turn up cos it is really not easy to organise a class gathering/reunion... actually we were supposed to have dinner at pastamania, but ended up eating at this malay restaurant instead at arab street i think... btw, although i am a singaporean, today was the first time i have actually been to that area... alot of malay stalls and restaurants... anyway, it's good that we ate there cos we could seat together in a room with sofas and just eat and talk... we updated each other on what's happening with each of us... gossiped about pple in our class, teachers in crescent... even going to the extent where we wrote down what we think we will be doing in ten years' time... and we agreed to meet up in ten years' time again to see whether we have achieved the aims... ten years might seem like a really long time, but actually time really passes so quickly that it is going to seem like we just met yesterday or something... took pictures... and talked till quite late... was really tired by the time i got home...

finally went to huimin's house... her dog twain is soo cute... very nice to pet and very "guai"... haha unless you are unfortunate enough to want to do a good deed by spraying the ear liquid into his ear... or when he is trying to bully other dogs... huimin... thanks, i really enjoyed the time spent at ur home... maybe next time I can go again huh... oh and we went to meet up with aiwei who lives close to huimin... she still looked the same as I remembered except she's got long hair now... but still soft-spoken...

went to novena square yesterday for lunch... and guess who i saw outside pepper lunch... MRS SIAH!!! i was like holy shit... she still looks so scary and intimidating, what is she doing here??!! ohmigod... anyway, we did not end up eating at pepper lunch... after that went to visit the national library and it's huge... and even though it's like a normal weekday, there were so many pple there... did not venture upstairs though... after that, accompanied pong to go for the job interview at new york new york... but she ended up getting a job at pepper lunch...

Friday, January 05, 2007

YEar 2007...

met up with huilin at bugis... she was late again as usual... wanted to eat first then walk but the foodcourt got so many pple and there was no empty seats so we decided to walk ard first then eat... basically all the shops were the same... except i saw the shop "mu"... i actually like the clothes that they sell there, cos very unique but so expensive... of course, we went to take pictures at the diamond christmas tree outisde inter continental hotel... very nice... after then went to eat at the foodcourt... after spending a long time looking for seats... we finally found one at the corner... after that, we decided to go to the national library cos both of us had never been there since it opened... but it was closed... sian man... so we had to settle for taking pictures outside... the place looked really big... we really wanted to take a look inside... after that, went to raffles city with her... and guess what, they have ben and jerry's at the basement marketplace... yaya... shared the brownie special... and there was this donut factory there and there was this really long queue... and then i remembered reading abt this donut place on the newspaper recently... singaporeans are all like that one lor... once they read abt something new... die die also must try even though they have to queue for so long... heard about the botak jones at ang mo kio also like that... after that... walked to marina square... walked till both our feet were aching then we decided to go home... huilin was like telling me that she actually goes to volunteer at the speech therapy dept at NUH... i also had the same thought, to go and volunteer at the OT depts before i came here, but i was feeling lazy so in the end did not go and apply...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


How did Hyun Bin go from this...

to that...??!!

More eye candies... like seriously, how does south korea produce so many cute guys?? and singapore dun have?? am I the only one wondering abt this??

Monday, January 01, 2007

EnD oF yeAr 2006...

went out with siti, yujing, veena and freddy for dinner... long time never see yujing, veena and freddy already... and all of us commented that we all looked the same as when we were in njc... is that good or bad... and when siti said that freddy looked fatter, he said that he looked buffer instead... and all of us cracked up... i actually thought he looked the same to me... went to eat at breeks at takashimaya... i have never eaten there before though... but we all ended up eating korean food... i ate the spicy chicken bibimbap... i actually wanted the chicken ramen, but they ran out of that chicken... and siti, veena and me all said dun want bean sprouts... yuck... i hate "dou gay"... talked as we ate... abt the stuff all of us were doing now... uni... reminiscing abt the past njc days... the teachers... and then freddy had to leave early... so after that, we went walking in takashimaya to look for umbrellas cos yujing wanted to get one... then decided to walk over to partyworld to check out the prices... but i did not really like the place cos it smelled of cigarettes and looked sleazy... so in the end, went to heeren to take neoprints... haha... we took twice and spent so much time there decorating out pictures... there was one station where we had to kneel all the way down on the floor to take, and it was so funny... all of us were laughing and panicking cos we didn't know when the camera was going to take cos it was all in japanese...

today is the last day of year 2006 already... time really flies too quickly... really glad that I am able to spend christmas and the new year here this year... this year was a good year overall, hopefully the year 2007 will bring some new experiences, surprises and of course... here's wishing everyone good health...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...