Thursday, August 31, 2006

PaReNts' ViSiT daY 1...

this week was quite busy for me... cos my parents came to visit me for a week... on thurs we went to the airport to pick them up... my mum bought back alot of stuff... my calbee chips, sambal chilli, and she even managed to smuggle in chee cheong fun??!!

on fri... i had a tutorial so i brought my parents with me to uni... showed them ard my dilapidated uni campus, of course cannot compare even to the primary schools in singapore now... and i heard that the lidcombe campus where i am at now is going to be moved to the main campus in the city after i have graduated... so the health sciences campus in future would be in the city... and after i finished my tutorial, we went shopping at parramatta... did not buy anything though... just shopped ard and ate that sweet and sour fish again at the foodcourt... and then we went to max brenner to eat... finally!! whoa... ordered brownie, the melting chocolate where they have a special metal spoon where u can also drink from... so sweet... the stuff are too sweet for me... and for me to say that... u noe it's really sweet, i got a headache after eating that... wanted to bring my parents to visit my workplace after, but they called me and asked if i could work and bcos i didn't want to work, i said no and so we did not go there in the end... and at night, after dinner, we watched blade trinity... did not really like the show, super corny... and i was so sleepy that i went to sleep first halfway thru the show... have to prepare for my party the next day... okay, will write a new blog on my party...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


this week was supposed to be an exciting week... but nothing really exciting happened yet... uni was as usual boring... handed in our kinesiology proposal after changing the topic three times, cos firstly, we found out that we were not supposed to do anything within the campus, it must be an actual workplace scenario and real workers... so we decided to observe one of the cashiers at woolies where i worked rite... but then apparently, woolies has a policy against pple taking any pics inside the store... so we had to change the task again, and finally decided on doing yochi's aunt lifting a box from the ground...

preparations for the party this sat is still ongoing, the food's almost done, now i have to organise my games and the times... and i had to shift my party earlier cos amelia and karen have to leave early... and another problem came up recently and i did not even realise it at the beginning until prisy reminded me... how am i going to wear a mask with my spectacles??!!... so now, i have to make do with a hairband or something... otherwise i won't be able to see anything... and so "suay" this whole weekend is going to be raining... alamak... how to bring my parents out??!! why can't be sunny like these past few days... it was like summertime these few days... everyone at uni especially the aussies were all sitting on the grass suntanning...

mon received my first birthday present... from dearest piyo... thanks alot... she gave me a packet of green curry and a gold heart-shape necklace... although i have no idea why she thought i liked green curry??!! it's the thought that counts rite... and i felt so bad bcos i did not give her anything on her bdae... went to fran's blog yesterday and read that fran and huimin went ard orchard to find me a present... so touched... thought they forgot all abt me already... thank you guys... maybe when i go back at the end of the year, we can hold another party again... "cross my fingers"
the day i have been waiting for has finally arrived...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

this week was quite happening for me...
mon... went to karaoke with amelia and karen, and i also got to eat my fav spicy beef at sussex centre... yum yum... had trouble looking for parking spot cos amelia drove that day... told her not to drive already... but she did not listen to me... so precious time was wasted and we only got to sing at ard 330pm... they did not have some of the songs that i wanted to sing... like elva hsiao's ta he ta, and my lian ai ping lu was so fast, i could not catch up with the song...

okay... something funny but at the same time embarrassing happened on thurs... i was doing my quantitative tutorial in the computer lab rite, and this aussie girl who's also in OT was sitting beside me, and i turned on my lian ai ping lu to listen on my earphones rite, and then i didn't know that it was actually blasting quite loudly thru the speakers on the computer... until my friend who's sitting on the other side of me told me... and before that, i was wondering where that aussie girl who's sitting next to me went rite, and after realising that my chinese song was playing quite loudly thru the speakers, i quickly turned off the music and i felt so paiseh... the girl was sitting at the other side... alamak... they must be wondering why i so inconsiderate and playing chinese song somemore... i really didn't realise...

and went out on fri with huilin to parramatta, apparently, it has the largest westfield in nsw... wow... it was actually newly renovated and got many new shops now... we did not finish walking also... not enough time cos we only arrived there ard 2pm and we ate lunch first... huilin also introduced me to this chinese stall in the food court where you can scoop as much food as want onto ur plate for $8... and she said to try the sweet and sour fish they had... it was really nice, crispy and warm... i must bring my parents there when they come next week... ok... so we shared one plate and heaped one whole pile of food onto it... oh man... it was like rojak... mixture of everything... both of us ate till 'jing jing you wei'...
and then the initial plan was to shop for abit and go and eat max brenner as a dessert rite... yup, they have a max brenner there... my first time eating max brenner was when i went back last year, melissa brought me to esplanade there and eat... i ordered the waffles one and didn't like it and it's also expensive... so my impression of max brenner is not very good... dunno what all the hype abt it is... ok so anyway, in the end, did not get to eat bcos by the time we finished shopping ard, there was not enough time... oh well... next time... bought myself a pair of black trackpants and knee length socks... huilin and i each bought one... to wear it with our boots... haha...

and then after that, took a train back to epping and met up with auntie, uncle, michelle and prisy... we went to this vietnamese-chinese restaurant in chatswood for dinner... the food's not bad and it was really crowded also... but also quite expensive... food's here really expensive... everywhere u go, it's the same... and then after dinner, went to the crepe cafe next door for dessert... the crepe was not what i imagined it to be... remember we used to have a crepe shop at parco bugis downstairs... and dunno what happened they closed down like my cinnamon roll shop... anyway, their crepes were crispy, but the ones here are all soft, and u have to pay extra if u want to add icecream... and they also have like fruits or egg or ham inside... we tried one choc sauce with cream crepe and 2 fruity ones... not that nice though and again expensive...

yep, that's abt it... and preparations for my party are still ongoing, still thinking of words for my charade game... and how to make my mask... we could not find an empty one at parramatta yesterday... oh and this morning michelle went to this LINDT warehouse sale... and ohmigod, she bought so many lindt chocs... i actually bought $40 worth of chocs... i was like saying how if i actually went there today, i would have bought more than this... she was also saying how there were so many pple there and everyone's grabbing chocs like they dun need money and it was packed... did not get to go cos i had to work... hmm... next week promises to be a very happening week... can't wait

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HIp HiP HooRaY...

nothing much to update abt the events that happened last week...
some stuff that happened were... the zip on my pencil box came out and now although yochi fixed it back for me, i have to be extra gentle with it in case the whole zip really came out and i cannot fix it back again... this pencil box has special meaning to me bcos mrs yee, my sec 3 chemistry teacher gave it to me... yup, i have been using it ever since i was in jc 1... which i have to mention that yes, for those who knew me, i am still using the red hand-stitched wallet... and it's been like 7 years since i started using it... how durable is it... and although everyone' s been telling me that i should change my wallet already, i will use it till it's really not usable and... recently the label had come off and stuff has been peeling off from the wallet... :)

the most exciting thing to note was that my parents are coming to visit me... yay... hip hip hooray! i am definitely really excited and looking forward to them coming... i really miss home... and my party's preparation are going well... planned the food, games and all the other stuff... hope that day would be nice weather and everything goes well and smoothly... the theme of the party is to create their own masks... so all my guests have to make their own mask and wear them to the party... haha... and the most creative mask would receive a mystery prize, which i have not decided what yet... was not going to buy a cake cos i dun really like cakes, i was thinking of baking brownies and icecream instead but auntie was like just get a small one cos what's a birthday without a cake?? and i was like oh man... alright i will get a small one...

work area... nothing much to report on... same stuff happening... except now i think they are hiring more checkout operators cos i think we are really short of staff and supervisors... and also more shelvers...

yeah, i guess that's abt the excitement last week... have to think abt what i am going to do with my parents when they are here... there's only a limited number of places that i can bring them... oh well... we'll see when the time comes... oh and btw... it hailed today at lidcombe today... it was not as big as last year's but it also happened when i was abt to leave school...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

PLeAsaNt sUrpRisES...

worked both days during the weekend... but on sun morning we wokeup at 7am to play badminton at this sports court near thornleigh that michelle found and she booked us in for one hour... so we had to wake up at 7am on a sunday morning to play badminton with her colleague, steve... i dun mind playing badminton, but waking up at 7am in the morning and especially it's a sunday and i had to work later in the afternoon till 10pm... that was definitely not enjoyable...

as expected, i was so sleepy already when i started work... kept yawning nonstop...
however, the good thing was, remember the evil supervisor which i used to curse in my blog (yep, i was reading thru my blog to remind myself of some of the things that i did last year at this time, and i read what i wrote on her... it's really weird now reading all that, cos now the evil supervisor has like a 350 degrees change in her attitude... she's really nice now, although she still bitches sometimes, but as long as it's not me, it's fine, i just listen and agree to whatever she says) anyway, she let me go off early yesterday, was supposed to finish at 10pm, which is the closing time of the supermarket on sundays, but bcos yesterday we had too many pple closing, so she asked me if i wanted to go off early... of course i want... yep and it was so boring yesterday during work cos there were too many of us working... so we were all just standing there, bcos the registers have all been cleaned, stock were put back, and mats were done... so the extent of the niceness of the evil supervisor was that even when some of the other cashiers were chatting and fooling around, she did not even say a thing... i wonder what caused her attitude to change so drastically?? hmm...

oh and last night finished handmaking my party invitations and gave them out today... can't wait for my birthday party, i wish my family and friends could come and celebrate with me... and also gave kathryn's birthday present... was actually debating whether to give the present to her bcos like i only got to know her during clinicals and we were not even close... anyway... i decided what the heck, just give it to her and it's up to her what she does with it... and she seemed quite surprised that i remembered her birthday... in conclusion... i was glad that i gave the necklace to her...

oh btw, my sister reminded me that it's National Day on wed... Happy National Day!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

COld, DreaRy & frEEzing...

second week of semester 2... back to uni proper... the same old routine... lectures, assignments, tutorials and exams... the first half of the year seemed to fly past in a blur...

this semester no off days for me... got uni from mon-fri and the subjects that we have to study are all so dry... and last year after the first semster of sociology, i thought i never have to study it again... and of all the subjects... this semster we have to study something called health policy and service delivery... and the first lecture this week... the lecturer literally talked nonstop for an hour... i was sleeping already after the first ten minutes... last year's sociology was a nightmare and i dread this semester... and also we have this physic-biomechanical subject called kinesiology... and quantitative analysis crap... i think they purposely put all the sucky subjects together to torture me... and on top of all these horrible subjects... we have a project and a portfolio to do for the placement that we did during the midsemester break...

and today was one of the worst days of winter... it was raining so heavily the whole day... so wished that i was staying at home feeling warm and dry instead of shivering and attending lectures till 4pm...

one good thing to look forward to is... i am planning to have a 21st birthday party at home... actually not really a party, more like a gathering, but i will be preparing food and games to play... i thought since you can only be 21 years once in ur life... might as well celebrate it cos i might not be able to have a party again... my initial plan was to hold it in macdonalds... haha... but i think we are all over the minimum age group... the only sad thing is... i won't get to celebrate this important event with my family and close friends beside me...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...