Wednesday, March 29, 2006

ShiTTy daY...

today was the worst day i have had since uni started... i actually forgot to bring my assignment which was due today to school... i saved it on my laptop at home and did not saved it into my usb... and i had to go all the way home to get it... and i had to work later at night... shitty day...
worked full shifts on both sat and sun... and only came home at 10pm on sun and i had a 8am start today which meant that i had to wake up at 6am... dunno why i couldn't sleep last night... kept waking up and going to the toilet... and then today, i was so out of it... i could not even speak coherently... the stuff that i was thinking about did not come out of my mouth correctly, i kept yawning nonstop... and then i only realised that i had left my assignment at home when anna asked me during anatomy lecture this morning, whether i handed in my assignment already... i was like shit, i think i left it at home leh...
so in the end, amelia was kind enough to give me a lift back and after handing in the assignment, i went to sleep for awhile, before i had to go to work...
i really think i am not organising my time well... i have no time to revise... everytime i come home from work, i eat and shower and after that, have to sleep already cos the next day have to wake up early to go to uni...

and then now have this really huge OTTP group project... and we dun get to choose the pple we want to work with... so i ended up with five other pple whom i dun really noe... and so far, after meeting twice, we still haven't got any progress... the project is for us to design a living skills program for prisoners... i tried to pay attention during OTTP lectures... but sometimes, my mind juz wanders off and i dun noe what the lecturer's saying... how... i am so in deep shit...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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