Tuesday, March 21, 2006

DuNnO whAt TitLe...

sigh... after so long without having to use my brainjuices to think and now suddenly... all the assignments and uni stuff are all piling up again... and i am still not getting into my study mode... dunno when will my brain realise that i have started school and not still on holiday mode... and then when i come home... i am the only one now who has to study and do assignments while prisy and michelle can watch tv and do other stuff... and not worry abt deadlines and results... this semester is definitely a whole new game cos i dunno anything, everything we are learning now is new... unlike last year at least i know abit of what i am studying before... my biggest fear of all is that one day, i would wake up and realise that i am in the wrong course and being an OT is not what i really want... i'm scared... dunno if i am equipped to deal with some of the clients that we see... saw some clips of children with cerebral palsy and... i dunno... how do u not let ur personal feelings interfere with ur professional ones??
i am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and just take one day at a time...

anyway, on a lighter side... apparently, work has this new policy which says that if u have the highest scan rate for that particular week, u receive a $20 gift voucher and i happen to get one last week... yay... i try my best... haha so that i can use the money to buy food (chocs)... :) easter's coming up and we are planning to go on an easter egg hunt again, like we did last year...
thinking abt going back home during the mid semester break... but mum was saying it's only for 3 weeks so why not wait till jan... maybe... worried abt nainai though...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...