Saturday, March 11, 2006

Not vErY ExcItIng...

end of uni week 1... and it was bearable bcos 1) we dun have tutorials in wk 1, 2) found out that i at least noe some pple in my new tutorial group... previously, we were able to choose the group that we want but this year, it was chosen for us... 3) found out that we have fridays off this semester again... yay!! the downside was i have 3 days with 8am starts... which means that i have to wake up at 6am... when winter comes, it will be so super cold and dark... i dunno how am i going to wake up then... oh and we have got new computers in the labs, the ones with the flat screens... at least the stupid school did something correct...

this semester, i am doing, Human Occupations, Anatomy (Lower limbs), Neuroscience (which is definitely getting more difficult), OTTP, COP, ORL and Designing Health Research... which is a new subject... on quatitative and qualitiative research methods... how exciting! fell asleep during OTTP lecture that day man... the lecturer talks funny, she always has this sound that she makes as if she's eating sweets... and whenever she does it... which was often... pple including me will crack up... it's mean but i can't help it... and it was so boring... moreover, she said we dun have to copy anything cos she will be putting it online for us, okay so we were all just sitting there listening to her... obviously there were alot of heads nodding after 15 min... i think i dozed off after half an hour... haha...

yesterday, i was so pissed off at karen... bcos she borrowed my neuroscience notes on wed to copy and then on thurs, i asked her to return it to me cos i need it to study during the weekend, she told me she has not copied it yet... and bcos i was going to have lunch outside with anna and yochi and then i planned to go straight home, i have to take it back with me... so she asked why dun i come back to uni after lunch and amelia can drive me home... so i said okay... so bcos of her... i had to walk all the way back to uni under the hot sun.... and when i reached uni 2 hours later, i saw amelia and her still eating and she still has not copied the notes... and she told me that she thought that i was going to stay in school to study, which i wasn't, so she took her time... what the hell... so irritating... sometimes, i dun want to lend my notes to others bcos of these things...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...