Tuesday, March 07, 2006

2nd YEar 1sT seMeStEr OT...

I am finally back in uni... after a really long vacation... i was almost bored to tears man... i am now officially a 2nd year OT... well... reflecting on the year 2005... uni was copable, i think... because i did some of the subjects in poly already so i was not too confronted by them... on a personal note... i did things that i normally would not get to do if i were in singapore... eg skiing (which I still have a phobia till now), going to clubs and pubs, (which i didn't enjoy)... meet new pple from different parts of the world...
now that i am back to uni... nothing much has changed... the school still looks and feels the same, except that they have refurbished the stupid JDV AGAIN!!! wasting money on useless things like the boards that change the ads every few minutes... and some computers there too and they even shifted the microwaves... which were the first things that i was looking for when i came to school this morning... they shifted them into a corner in BIte me... the only good thing abt it was instead of the pathetic one microwave that we have for the whole school... we now have... 2!!!!

:( so many huh!!
they should use the money to get us more microwaves...
and ...something went wrong with my enrolment... apparently i was not enrolled in the clinical placement subject... because my result was still incomplete since last year... how annoying!

anyway... sat was prisy's cousin myat (remember the one who we went for her wedding?) birthday... she invited us to her house for a bbq... had an okay time there... did not have much to do except eat and sit ard cos i dun really noe the pple there... played drawing with this really cute 2-yr-old girl... she was sooo cute... and then yesterday... also went to my uncle's friend's home... apparently his 2 older daughters are going to live in england for a year so it was like a farewell party for them... and again of course i dun noe anyone there... ate the exact same food also... like seriously same nachos, dips and spring rolls... but they had a really cute dog, a black collie... she is very docile and she actually responds to her name... haha...

was supposed to have a 8am lecture this morning, but the lecturer did not turn up so now i have to wait till 3pm for the next lecture... what a waste of my time... i got nothing to do now leh... save me!! still have 4hours to go...

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