Sunday, April 02, 2006

Soo eNviOuS...

for those fools out there, Happy April Fools'... haha...
juz kidding... anyway, i am now into week 5 of uni and already we are going into april, which means it's getting colder and darker by the day, it's autumn now and soon, winter's here and i am soo not looking forward to waking up at 6am in the morning... :(

anyway, been working alot these few weeks, and no time to revise... i am soo dead... thinking of telling my supervisor that i wish to reduce my working days to only 3 days a week... becos if this continues, i would not be able to catch up... went out with prisy on thurs... late night shopping at hornsby, and i bought boots and perfume... shopping spree man... i already have 2 perfumes already... actually wanted to get ralph lauren's ralph for a long time now, but it's so expensive, so i bought paris hilton instead... which has a similar smell and apparently it lasts longer and cheaper too... and then that day at hornsby, i bought fcuk's her... really must stop spending...

today, rarely that the three of us are all at home, so prisy suggested we visit Homeworld, a place where designer homes are built for pple to go in and take a look ard... whoa... everything all so nice, especially the brick houses, and there were a few homes with really nice toilets, they have like a huge toilet with a jacuzzi, a shower and 2 sinks... and some of the bedrooms have really big walk-in wardrobes, it's like another room by itself... and then there was this really nice room with like an extended ledge by the window, which u can sit on and maybe read a book at night... and rooms with windows over the bed, so that at night u can open the windows and look at the stars... seeing all these beautiful homes make me wish that i have lots of money... all of us were like ooh and aahing... so envious... hope that one day, i will be able to afford a home of my own... and two dogs...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...