Tuesday, February 28, 2006

LaSt WeEk Of a VeRy LoNg hoLidaY...

went to hornsby borders to read my latest in death book... memory in death, it was quite a disappointment for me cos it was not as exciting and funny as the series used to be... i actually have the whole series, i am a big fan of this series but it seems to be getting alittle draggy...

one of our uncles came to stay at our house for a few days and he bought a few pirated dvds for us and we watched fearless by jet li on sat night... apparently it's a new release but i haven't heard of it over here... it was quite good... too bad it's a sad ending and much better than unleashed... all of us agreed that jet li looks better in olden days shows than present days movies... with his shaved head and long ponytail... uncle michael treated us to chinese food at our fav shop in eastwood... and prisy and I found this chinese shop there that sells and rents chinese, jap, korean and english shows and movies for very cheap prices... oh we were so excited... i rented the korean show the successful story of a bright girl with jang nara and she rented a love to kill with rain in it... i actually liked the show alot... saw it on tv before quite awhile ago but bcos they showed it at a very late time, i did not get to watch some parts of the show...

work was as usual... but last week i worked the most, i actually exceeded the standard number of hours that anyone was supposed to work... getting so sian of that place already... but cannot be helped... will still continue working there till i can't... the evil woman's getting better in her attitude towards everyone... and... suddenly i realised that there is a sudden influx of young guys working as shelvers leh... before... mostly were either females or older pple working as shelvers but now things are getting interesting... get to see some of these cute guys walking ard so work is not as mundane... haha...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...