Wednesday, October 05, 2005

1sT CliNicAl plAceMeNt...

one week of uni break just flashed by... came back from camp on fri and slacked the entire weekend and on mon...

camp was more good than bad, i think... it was quite fun... but taking care of 5 kids, aged 11-14 was definitely not easy... especially when 2 of the kids dun want to participate in any of the activities, and kept ignoring my instructions... the lessons that i've learnt were that, next time, bring games to play, and something to read to occupy myself... there was so much free time in between activities, ohmigod, and i didn't bring a book to read or something to entertain myself and the kids... in the end, we all sat down and watched tv... the first 2 days of camp was shitty, cos it was raining the whole time... the kids were getting restless, and they had nothing to do...
one good thing abt the camp was that the accomodations and food was good, we had our own tv and toilet, and the six of us shared a room... the food was okay also, except that we had the same thing for every single meal... i ate pasta till i am so sick of it now...

i got to go canoeing and archery, which was fun, cos i haven't had the chance to do archery till now... btw, i sucked at it though... none of my arrows hit the target, all of them landed on the floor... missed abseiling though, cos i was on crafts duty that day... i would have liked to try that...
i was really lucky to have met good supervisors on this placement though... cos having a horrible supervisor could ruin your entire practical experience... they were all really nice and took good care of us...

did i mention that the camp was for kids with juvenile arthritis? it's really sad to see them like that though... most of the kids looked fine physically, and only two of the kids there were in wheelchairs... but all of them were smiling and having fun... and they had to take alot of medications and injections before mealtimes... it was really heart-wrenching to see them like this, and some of them are still so young... i think the youngest was only 8 yrs old...
one of the things that my supervisor said during the camp really touched me... she said that although these kids have been through much more than what most adults in their lifetime have gone through, they still wake up and face everyday with a smiling face... and that's really true, most of them truly enjoyed themselves during the camp and that's probably why they kept coming back to the camp each year, so that they can do the activities without having to feel the fear of being rejected or their friends laughing at them...

we also went to Luna Park on wed... and i am NOT going back there ever again... i hate to go on the rollercoasters and the things that spin you ard... but i had no choice cos i have to look after the kids... and oh man... i almost cried when i sat the stupid thing that spins you ard... it was really bad... i screamed the entire time it was moving and also when i was on the rollercoaster... i preferred 'tamer' games like the bumper cars and the ferris wheel, which we didn't get a chance to go on... i put my foot down on the one that went upside down though... definitely not me...

the kids these days are really daring... i felt so old standing next to them... and they already start putting makeup, they brought like hair rollers and straighteners with them... and i'm like... how old are these kids??... i dun even noe how to put them on myself...

that was abt it i guess, i think all the OT students on this placement enjoyed it though... i wouldn't mind going back again... if i get well-behaved kids...

oh and i wish to mention that when i was Luna Park... i saw the racing horse game, and it reminded me of the NJ carnival, and I had a really memorable time then... nj also brought in that game and i played and won myself a nice teddy bear... siti, sumin, and sharon, u guys probably are not reading this, but i will never forget the fun times we spent all our money playing the stupid 'uncle ringo' game in nj... :) that was probably one of my happiest moments in njc...

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