Thursday, October 27, 2005

Wk 11...

last fri... both prisy and me went to macquarie shopping centre after dropping michelle at work and oh my god, we spent the whole day there... can u imagine?? we went shopping at first of course, i bought a dress, and this was the first dress i owned... bought it from tree of life, which is this indian store, selling all the indian stuff like necklace, bracelets, clothes, etc... they even have the indian smell...

ate pretzels with prisy... yum yum, and after that, shop some more and after lunch we went to borders, sat there and started reading my In Death series... i am collecting the whole series, so when i go back, i will go look for the next 2 books... I read Origin in death while prisy read survivor in death... i was saying to her that the newer books were not as interesting as the previous ones... the storyline has become more serious and not that funny anymore... so the two of us sat there and read till like 4pm... and then go back to epping to pick michelle up again... did not even go back home...

sat worked in the morning, and prisy and me went to castle towers to shop... again... actually she wanted to go look at the cosmetic store there after she read this magazine on make-up and got some 'enlightenment'... auntie and uncle came back home that night... and they brought back alot of snacks for us... yay... they brought famous amos cookies (which the three of us are crazy abt), the calbee hot and spicy potato chips, nuts and of course, my 3-in-1 milo, which i cannot live without... the three of us were so excited and the cupboard was full of snacks until we had to put them all into the garage... keep them for 'emergencies'...

yesterday, was our HO presentation... stayed up till late that monday night to finish the presentation... i was so tired, cos i also had to work that day, so by the time i got back home, it was already 1030pm... okay, we actually had to do a role play cos the presentation was actually supposed to be a case conference... so karen and amelia thought of using the hello kitty toys as the members in the conference... our tutor and the class were so amused by us... they were like, where did u guys get those toys???... apparently, the hello kitty phenomenon was an ' asian' thing... still remembered the fightings and long queues in mcdonald's when the stupid ugly cats came out... these pple are nuts...
i personally feel that out of the 3 groups that presented that day, ours was the briefest... the information we had were very brief, and the other 2 groups one were all quite detailed... anyway, now that the presentataion is over, we also have to do the portfolio due in wk 14...
viva for COP is coming again... still have not started learning my manual muscle testing and ROM tests... and my splint... i am so screwed...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...