Tuesday, October 11, 2005

HolE in My poCkEt...

i am getting reaLLY bad at blogging... had to wait till monday then I can come to school to blog...
anyway, michelle came back from singapore last week, bearing my favourite essential peanut butter and calbee hot and spicy potatao chips... i cannot live without my peanut butter, and mum even bought a super jumbo-sized one... it was the biggest bottle of peanut butter i have ever seen... can last me till dec and then when i go back, can buy some more...haha...

last fri... it was like a shopping spree for me... my pocket now has a huge hole, and i still owe auntie and michelle money... have to wait till i get my pay then can pay them back... i dunno what the hell i bought... no wait, actually i noe... i bought 2 blouses, a bag for prisy as her bdae present and 2 blouses for pong... this was bcos michelle had a 40% discount voucher for espirit so the three of us went to the espirit shop at macquarie that fri to see whether there were any nice clothes... and then after that, we went to hornsby again to shop, crap... i feel so guilt afterwards, cos i have never spent so much money in a day before and i am not even a shopping fanatic...

sat and sun was a slacking weekend again for me... did not study for my neuroscience exam this fri as i have planned, instead was watching movies with prisy... i did alright for my anatomy exam, which was not too difficult, maybe bcos i have already learnt the stuff before...

okay, i was thinking about this matter since last week already, but i was still undecided abt whether i should write it in my blog... i have since decided to write it, if it offends anyone, whatever...
the thing is... i dun really feel comfortable sometimes about lending my notes to pple, especially when an exam is coming and i need them to study rite, but then if i dun lend it to them, pple will think, why this person so selfish?, etc... and they won't friend me anymore... oh man, do i sound childish?! but that's what i really think when this kind of thing happens... so everytime i feel really hard not to say no to them, i noe it's not their fault, but sometimes, i do need my notes to study... and sometimes, even my assignments also... i mean, the assignments are what i spend my time researching for information and these pple just take and copy, it's just really unfair... there's no way i can tell them no, even in a nice way...
and then yesterday, we already agreed to meet up at someone's house to discuss our HO project, and then one hour before we were supposed to meet up, one of them called and told me that she suddenly have something on and have to cancel the meeting, so okay, and then i found out that the reason was bcos she went out to watch a movie, not bcos she had something really impt to attend to...
i was so pissed... i dun think i want to do another project with them again, if this happened the next time...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...