Monday, October 17, 2005

WhAt a WeeK...

last tues prisy suggested that I join her friends to strathfield to eat at the korean place ceci... when we arrived there, it was closed, i was really disappointed, i was looking forward to eating there... so we went to the other side of the station and found this other korean place, i dun really noe the name cos it's in korean... the place was really nice though, very cosy and we initially decided to dare ourselves to try this special spicy chicken dish... even the waiter also said it was really spicy, and then when our dish came, we realised that it wasn't what we wanted... the waiter heard wrongly and gave us this chicken with melted cheese dish... i must say that the waiter did the right thing... cos all of us liked it although it was also very spicy... we were like saying if this dish is that spicy already, can u imagine what the one that we originally wanted would be like?!... and the one that we had was really good... it was like chicken on top the plate of melted cheese, and underneath the cheese, was a layer of potato and crispy bread... yum yum...
after that, prisy's friend, xueting, treated us to icecream bought from woolies, it's the caramel drumstick, and it was nice... tues was a fruitful day for us, we tried 2 new things, the korean place and the caramel icecream...

fri was neuroscience mid semester exam, i thought it was not that difficult, as compared to the sample paper that i tried doing... should be okay... assignments are starting to pile up, it's always neverending...
final exam timetable came out already... 21-25 nov... better start studying already... i have to keep telling myself that from now on... time really passes... i have been in sydney for almost a year already... seems like yesterday, i was at changi leaving to come here... sigh...

yesterday... worked until 4pm and after that, went with prisy to her colleague, Lauren's, house party... ate till i was so full, shouldn't have eaten the shephard's pie at home... and i also drank alcohol... that was a first for me... till now, i have only drank wine but yesterday, i drank something green called midori?? it was yucky... maybe bcos i am a first-timer... prisy was even better... she drank that, and tequila and cowboy... whatever that is... i was told that tequila is actually a really disgusting drink, that's why pple drink it down in a shot... i had fun yesterday, although i was quite tired after work... we ate, sang songs and danced in Lauren's living room, her colleagues were really funny and young-at -heart though... most of them are like mothers with kids already, but they still act like teenagers, dancing and singing along to the songs, which btw, most were songs which i have never heard of before...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...