Friday, August 12, 2005

GetTiNg diFficUlt..

in the computer lab now, nothing to do, waiting to pass the time, then have to work later...
week 1 of semester 2 officially ended today... timetable this semester got good and bad... the bad things are that tuesdays start at 8am and finish at 5pm... thursday, which is today, got 3 hours lecture... the good news is that we get to have fridays off...
this semester, starting to learn more about OT, things like splints, measuring ROM, anatomy (oh man, i kept hearing Dr Ravi's voice in my head, saying the anatomical names during anatomy lectures and practs... is that creepy or wat???), neuroscience, occupational roles across lifespan... very "chim"...
but i am sooo glad that i dun have to take sociology ever again... almost died last semester studying for it... can't even remember a single thing now also...

oh and I finally got to meet Chris Chapparo in person... she's teaching us systematic instruction this semester... in nyp, when i was researching in the journal articles, her name kept popping up, and i found out that she's actually a really well-known OT here in aus...

btw, i will be going skiing during the weekend... yay... dunno whether it will be fun or not... prisy said it's actually quite difficult and tiring... will update when i come back...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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