Thursday, August 18, 2005

SkI weeKeNd...

I am Back!
i was soooo tired after coming back on sunday night, and then for the past two nights... yesterday was really tiring... started uni at 8am and finish at 5pm... and then have to quickly rush to work and what pissed me off was the stupid train service... it was sooo delayed and there was a major confusion at epping that caused a major crowd waiting at the platform for the all stoppers to hornsby... in the end, i was late (again!!!) for work... shit man...

hmmm... sherry asked how was my skiing trip... how shall i start... it was both a fun and disastrous experience... fun part was everything else excluding learning how to ski... i got to see snow, touch it, and if u want to know how it feels for those who haven't seen and touched it before, like me before friday... it felt like a more solid version of ice kacang... so go have a touch of ice kacang next time u order it... :) i didn't get to build a snowman though... but i saw a few very cute ones along the way...
got to see the beautiful scenery along the way there, it takes abt 6 hours drive, past canberra, and then 3 more hours to where we stayed... we rented a cabin and it's another 35min to the Selwyn Snowfields, the place where we went to ski...

started our journey early on fri morning, and arrived at the cabin ard 6pm... the cabin got a real fireplace... haven't seen one before too... we had to manually put logs and firestarters to start the fire... not those electrical ones...
slept quite early cos got nothing to do... the tv reception was very bad and after playing a round of scrabble...

Sat morning, started our ascent to the mountains... when we arrived, there were already quite alot of people there already... mostly families and u see these little kids wearing ski gears and skiing... so cute... and they ski so well! unbelievable! kids were tobogganing, and they had these little doughnut like tyres that u sit on and u slide down the hill... expensive though...
took awhile to finally get our ski gears and we were all ready to start skiing... except me... huh...
i can't even stand up properly and i can't even get my ski boots into the ski board... i think i took abt like 15min before i could do it...hopeless, when i finally start moving like 2cm, guess wat happened?
no surprise... i fell on my b***... luckily the snow quite soft and my b*** got padding to protect... otherwise, by the time i finish, i will have blue-blacks all over... which i still have on my arms and legs...
prisy and michelle and her colleague tried to teach me how to ski, like how to snowplough, which is like having to make ur legs to an inverted V... which somehow i still can't get it... that's how u stop urself too when u lose control and ski downwards very fast... which always happen to me... and michelle's colleague told me that it's really bad to fall back, so i had to always lean forwards, but somehow, i always end up on my behind...i was soo tired after my third attempt and falling down so many times, and wat's worse was that i can't get up by myself, they had to come pull me up, or take off my ski boards...

and then, we sat on the ski lifts to go up the hill again, again, i had difficulties standing up, i always fall and the guy there had to come pull me up... so whenever he sees me coming on the chair lifts, he must be preparing himself to pull me up, cos i fell every single time...

I kept trying and trying, but in the end, i still gave up, it's really difficult... and i didn't ski on sunday... i sat there and watched people ski... sigh... prisy tried to comfort me by saying that it was my first time and that when she skiied for the first time, she also hated it...
anyway, it will be a long time before i will even attempt to try skiing again...
overall, it was a good experience, and now that i noe what it's like to ski, at least next time, IF and it's a big IF, i ever go again, i will have something to "fall back on"...
haha, get it??

okay, i will try to post some pics when i have the time... till then...

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