Saturday, March 12, 2005

End oF Wk tWo...

it's the end of wk 2 of uni life... and i am still quite unsure abt everything... on the academic side, i can safely say that i am going to suck at human occupations and sociology... why??? maybe bcos i was kind of like expecting the syllabus that they will cover will be similar to what i studied at nyp, but human occupations is something that you need alot of practice, like really knowing how to handle transfers, the correct methods, the equipment, etc... i know that OTs have to learn these stuff, but i didn't expect then to start teaching us in first year, semester 1, i guess... and then during tutorial this wk, the teacher actually told us that he didn't know how to use the hoist... and i am like what???... and in the end, he juz asked one of us to demonstrate to the class, and after that, he didn't even let us have a go at it, an that was the end of the lesson... and he said that we won't be tested on hoists... so?? we still have to know how to use rite? oh man, i better think of something before i fail the pract test...

and then during COP tutorial that day, something funny/weird happened... okay, the teacher asked to do a role-play, one acting as the therapist and the other as the patient... and the patient was supposed to have a problem and the therapist has to counsel her... cos like the subject is basically on counseling and effective communication... i was the patient and i can't think of a problem on the spot so i juz made up one where i said i was physically and sexually abused by my stepfather when i was small, and i didn't tell anyone abt it till now cos i kept having flashbacks and i was afraid that if i was going to become an OT, if i have to deal with such cases, how am i going to counsel the patient if i can't deal with my own problems?... that was the scenario that i thought of... and the weird thing was... after i finished saying... the whole class was so quiet... and i had this really weird feeling... like why did the class become so quiet and so serious rite?... the atmosphere was really weird, that i felt like laughing... maybe my acting skills' was really good... and then, the teacher started to say, 'okay i am sorry that such a thing happened to you, and if you really need to go talk to someone, the counseling service is located at A block, ground floor, i can give you the contact number of the counsellor in school'... he said it so seriously... at that point, i felt so creeped out by the whole thing and i did something that spoilt the whole atmosphere... i laughed...haha...

on the other hand, i feel that although i have made new friends in the course, we are not really like close, and i know it's only the second wk, but i juz feel weird, i think... and sometimes when i talk to them, i can't really understand what they are saying... maybe bcos of their accent or the way they talk...and i feel really bad when i keep having to ask them to repeat themselves a few times... i mean, if i were in their shoes, i would be really irritated... and that day i suggested that we have a little picnic on the grass, cos the school has lots of empty patches of grass and the local students love to sit there... like everytime, especially during common lunch, you will see them sitting in groups on the grass... okay, so we went to look for a nice, relatively clean grass spot to sit and in the end, cos one of them didn't want to dirty her pants... so there were only three of us sitting on the ground... we weren't even sitting on the grass... sigh... what a lousy suggestion, andrea...i seriously think that we have communication problems... like i tried to tell the two hongkong girls that i like to watch hongkong serials and that i really like this actress, xuan xuan... and then they were like who???, cos probably we watched the chinese translated versions back home and they watched the original cantonese versions in hong kong... well, what can i say...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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