Sunday, March 27, 2005


happy freaking easter holiday!!
good news: i have 10 days of hols.
bad news: i have 10 days of hols, which means that i have to complete the assignments which are piling up every day, catch up on all the readings that i have to do and study for the sociology test...

during COP tutorial last tuesday, our lecturer said something that struck a chord in me: he said that pple who wants to become a therapist all have some problems or issues. i dunno abt other pple, but after he said it, i realised that in my case, it's quite true... maybe on a subconscious level, that was what made me decide to become a therapist... i dunno...

since i came here, i have been thinking of the word, friends... we all have friends... some are juz those hi-bye frens and some are pple whom u normally hang out with... some frens... u think that after so many yrs of friendship, u kinda noe them but when ur friendship is actually put thru the test of time, u realise that it is easily breakable... and a two-yr long friendship can't even compare to a 4 mth old one... how sad is that... i guess, time doesn't count when we are talking abt friendships... i dun even noe what counts now... it really hurts to noe that... could it be that i didn't put in enough effort to maintain that friendship? or that we didn't really noe each other that well? all those stuff like friends forever... keep in touch... are juz a bunch of crap... really envy those who have frens that they can talk to and are there for them thru thick and thin...

was supposed to work in pairs with this girl for the assignment on parkinson's... we even agreed to research on our own and then meet in wk 3 to collate our findings... when wk 3 arrived, ask her when she is free to meet up, she juz laughed and didn't answer me... huh?!? seemed unwilling to meet up...oh well we have to hand in separately anyway... @#$%%^^%;*^%##$%&*$$###$$%^@#...

should i even publish this blog? maybe...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...