Tuesday, March 15, 2005

SpeNd, SPend, SpEnD...

sigh... i seriously think that i am spending too much money and not saving enough money... like last thursday, prisy, nao and me went to strathfield to that same korean restaurant to eat again after lessons... the food there is really good but quite expensive... although we only ordered two dishes to share among us... we ate spicy beef hot-plate and spicy rice cake with noodles... yum yum, although the spiciness was too much for me... drank lots of water again... juz like that time when we went to eat the lucifer's plate... that was really an unforgettable experience! i really should stop eating too much spicy stuff, otherwise i am going to get diarrhoea or something...

and then on friday, went to the sydney olympic park to check out the aquatic centre with prisy and nao... cos then we can go there and swim after uni and not have to go that far to the place where we normally go for swimming... cos it's nearer to uni and they have slides... yay! i think it will be better for all of us cos like after uni, when we feel tired or hot, we can juz catch a train or bus there and relax...

and then on saturday, went shopping with prisy and nao at parramatta... after a while, it really gets quite boring, cos like everything the shops sell are almost the same... i like shopping, but i dun like it when it takes such a long time... and let's juz say that my cuz is an avid shopper... haha... didn't buy anything, only a bottle of body butter... which was cheaper than if we bought it at priceline or body shop... but yesterday, prisy tried it and she said that it wasn't good...well, as the saying goes, 'yi fen qian, yi fen huo'...

see... i better start to spend less man, otherwise, my parents are going to kill me... and then prisy asked me whether i want to go play paint-ball... cos it's her fren's birthday end of the month... i really wanted to go but i can't bcos it's so expensive... sigh... hrrgh... EVERYTHING is so expensive here!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...