Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ChAnGE of sEASon...

the townhouse in castle hill did not go through in the end, becos the agent was playing games so atm, we have been advised by the broker to work on obtaining a bank pre-approval first, so that's where we are at atm... got the good news that our budget for property prices can be a little higher than we first thought becos of my low salary, which means we have more options now...

nothing really much happening at work, Laura's surprise baby shower happening on Thurs, hopefully things turn out well, and everything goes smoothly, and people have a good time... 2 more weeks before I go on hols'... counting down... work has been really quiet in aged care for the past 2 weeks, which is good in a general health perspective, as that means lesser older people are falling sick, but that also means there is nothing really alot to do at work... and now that Deanna has joined our team, it's even more quiet... anyway, I am not really complaining though...

it was my long weekend finally after 6 weeks, really have gotten spoiled by this ADO business... cannot go for longer than 4 weeks before feeling like I need a break... went to watch the hunger games on Friday, yet to read the book and only hearing the brief plot of the story from prisy... the movie was surprisingly quite good except the camera becomes really shaky at times... and the theatre was pretty much packed, people were sitting from the 3rd row from the screen and gold class was sold out for all sessions that evening... met up with anna, yochi and jo on sat for lunch, at artarmon... the food was ok, not that great, and went to visit anna's house after, her son Joe is really cute and chubby, which is weird cos no one is anything close to fat at all in her family... went out for dinner with Amelia, Karen and Tina separately on Monday for Korean at Lidcombe, the price was reasonable but the food ok, not that great... good news is that I recently received confirmation that my application for registration has been approved, and no need to retake the IELTS, just waiting for the criminal history screen now... so one thing less to stress about...

went to Katoomba again over the weekend, was really looking forward to our accomodation, but it turned out to be shitty, even worse than the Carrington... the first thing I saw when we stepped in was this dirty soiled towel hanging behind the door, and it's got bloodstains on it, I was really grossed out... no view, and feels more like a motel than a hotel really... and the breakfast was crap as well... so disappointing... went back to Leura again, mainly to get the French Vanilla cake and to visit the French soap shop, went to visit Wentworth Falls, but that was about it really, spent the rest of the time in the room, reading, guess what... yup the Hunger games trilogy... cos I keep hearing how good it is, from prisy, yochi and so finally decided to read the books... so started reading the books, and of course, finished reading all of them and sleeping at 4am on sunday morning... did not think the books were as good as what everyone says, definitely recommend someone to read but it's not something I would be reading more than once... and the storyline becomes darker towards the end, and you feel really bad for both the main characters who went through so much and you have to keep reminding yourself that they are only teenagers... and there are predictions saying the hunger games are going to be bigger than twilight which I definitely have to agree, and may even be comparable to harry potter, which I doubt though...

yay, april is almost here, which means easter, which means chocolates, which means changing colours of the maple leaves, which means cooler weather... nice... and this year, april means I am finally going to Korea, hopefully everything goes well and we will all have fun and cross my fingers and toes, get to see Running man filming or some celebrities...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...