Sunday, January 29, 2012

BAck TO siAn...

end of the second week of work after my hols'... all I can say is sian... and the weather has mostly been gray and raining... did not do much for chinese new year, just had hotpot that was the extent of the celebration we had at home... nothing much to comment on with regards to work, same old, except some people have left, and there will be new people starting this week... and one of the shitty things are that becos Laura and Deanna are sharing the senior position now, my ADOs clashed with Deanna's which potentially means that I might not get the days I want... which is very annoying... so currently still waiting to hear back about whether my ADOs are approved...

uncle's friends steve and liz adkinson came over for dinner last sat... it was actually not as boring as I thought it would be... was obligated to attend collette's farewell drinks last fri... and I finished so late that day, all I wanted to do was go home... this past fri was karen's and jenny's farewell dinner, and it was thai, so did not attend... went to Mother Earth for breakfast with prisy yesterday... it was not cheap but the portions were very generous... and the food not bad... ate till I was so stuffed and was not even hungry at dinner... auntie's friends came over for dinner last evening, auntie peggy and uncle lawrence and family... the 2 kids have grown alot since the last time I saw them, which was awhile ago... played xbox games, entertained the kids for awhile... ate lots again... I was so full after dinner and cake that I had to pass up on ice-cream... and this is a rare occurence for me... australia day... fell on a thurs and it was raining... which really did not help, stayed at home for most part of the day, doing nothing really... watched running man... ate slept... was a sloth really... went for korean hotpot for dinner that night... dunno why, but did not enjoy the food as much... could be bcos it suddenly became hot that evening, and I had a late lunch, but the seafood pancake was not as nice...

this summer has not really been that hot as compared to last year's, mostly raining since I came back... but I am definitely not complaining...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...