Friday, February 17, 2012

DECisiOns, deCisiONs...

nothing very much happening at the moment... the weather is still mostly rainy, with one day being hot, and then the rain returns... not that I am complaining, I think this is the first time since I bought Auris when I have not washed him for like 4 months now and counting... he is filthy needless to say...

started watching this new HK drama, same old story of concubines fighting in the palace, has Jessica Hsuan and Myolie Wu, it started off ok, but at episode 8, I decided to cheat and watched the final episode and it turned out to be a dramatic reversal of roles, the good became evil and vice versa... stopped watching the show... started rewatching old shows, like gumiho, fated to love you... and in between waiting for running man... and 1N2D... no nice dramas now, boring... went to the movies to watch underworld, it was ok, we were forced to watch it in 3D and had to pay extra for it, I really don't like watching 3D, cos the 3D glasses have to sit on top of my glasses... which is not very comfortable as you can imagine... and after that, came home to watch resident evil... it was also only ok, still feel that the 1st and 3rd ones are the best so far... went to rent dvds now that our supplier is pretty much nonexistent... rented a walk to remember (bcos I woke up one day and had this sudden urge to watch it), red planet (sci fi, it was alright), and beastly, which was meant to be a modern version of beauty and the beast... after watching it, it became quite clear why the movie failed to make it to the cinemas...

work-wise, as expected, I had to compromise on my jan ado, and now I was told that I would have to compromise on my april one as well... so irritating, this is what happens when you work in a team and being short of staff... today received my pay as usual, and realised that I have been promoted to a Level 2 year 1... yay, even though the salary rise is only like $2/hour... today at work, there was quite a heated exchange between Ren and Deb, cos Deb is currently helping out at inpt rehab whilst Jo is away, and she needed to make a splint for one of Jo's pts... I mean the usual practice is for us to call on Ren when we need to get splints done cos he is the splints guru in the dept, but today, he pretty much went off at Deb saying things like I can't be the only one doing this, what if I am not here, I won't be doing it on my own, you need to be doing the clinical reasoning side of things as well cos I won't be doing that... and the thing is Deb is more experienced than me, and I can't imagine if I was in Deb's position today... and they were talking abt it in the office, I would be so embarrassed... I felt really bad for Deb... otoke...

ok, I know that I have been thinking of working and travelling in UK for a while now, but since I was back home, I have had second thoughts like, it's too far away, I will essentially be on my own, the flight is too long, it's cold... and so plan B was to go back home to work cos I really think thay learn alot more than us... and so I was talking it through with uncle cos my PR visa expires in 2014 and I don't think I will be staying in the rotation after cancercare... and uncle pretty much said it would be alot easier to renew it here rather than overseas... and things like you need to learn how to work smarter not harder...

so the other thing I was thinking of doing was start looking for another job mid year 2013, preferably TACP, would like to try that, sounds interesting... tell them I can start jan 2014, resign in sept 2013, take 2 months off to travel Europe (and I have already calculated that you need at least 2 months if you want to see most of the places) and start the new TACP job, do that for a year maybe, and then head back home to work, so I can renew my PR visa here...

for the 3 weeks hols' in april... I am actually considering if I could maybe travel to new zealand for a week, did some research and I may be able to see most things within a week... but will have to see if pong's uni schedule allow, seeing as how there is another anzac day public hol on wed...

today got home from work, was talking abt me not wanting to eat so much rice, and so auntie said she will fry noodles tomorrow, for lunch, and I was like, are you sure you will have enough time to do this seeing as how we need to go pick pong up from the airport then... and then auntie mentioned that she spoke with pong this pm, and pong apparently told her that her flight was tomorrow night... I was like no... I am pretty sure when I booked it, she was arriving tomorrow pm... hence I gave her a call and the girl actually told me she wanted to finish playing the bingo game before going to check... I got so mad at her... so I was speaking to nainai when she came on the phone again and said they made a mistake and I was right... and so the panic started, cos nothing was packed, mum was still at work, papa's not in... and she needed to get to the airport in a few hours... I myself was panicking on her behalf too... so in the end, she got onto mum, whom is making her way home, and I called papa to let him know... STRESS! that's the issue with booking overnight flights, the dates and times can be very misleading... anyway, things have been sorted out thank god...

stupid OT registration has finally arrived, such a pain, have to get all the paperwork certified and pay more money... still don't have a definite answer for the IELTS thing yet, so there is still a possibility that I would have to sit another round of IELTS, this time in the academic module... so painful...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...