Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 MOre dAys to Go...

5 Jan 2012... went for karaoke at partyworld at nex... cost $17.50 per person for 3 hours... found a new Karaoke place called K suites at Iluma but later found out that it was even more expensive than K box... it looked really high class from the outside, and initially when we went in to ask abt the price, I was surprised at how cheap it was, but it turned out to be too good to be true after further investigations... after karaoke, proceeded to holland village for lunch... not too crowded cos it was already late afternoon... decided to try this new cafe called everything with fries... it was quite expensive and I did not like the cheese burger at all, limited choices, only the fries and the nutella tart was nice...

6 Jan 2012... went to shop at far east plaza... got there at abt 1130 and still most shops were closed... was looking for a cheaper option to cut my hair and was tempted by the manicure and pedicure salons... hence was walking up and down the 4 levels trying to decide which shop offered the best deal for a manicure/pedicure... until it was time to meet papa for ice cream at this ice cream place called cold stone creamery at orchard central... it was nice, similar to the ice rock creamery in sydney which btw singapore also has... but expensive... and after that was walking around orchard central when we came upon everything with fries again... with more choices and cheaper... I was so upset... so pong ate that again, and I thought this time we should try another dessert hence got the mille crepe, and it was disgusting... damn, I should have gone for the nutella tart... after that, went back to far east plaza again and waited for like 45 mins to get our hair cut... after that, took a train to city hall, met up with mum and papa and went for dinner at the marina bay sands' high class food court... ordered yu pian mi fen... not nice and expensive... and it was finally time for our much anticipated wicked musical... was actually wanting to watch this in sydney a while back, but the tickets were so expensive... it was quite crowded when we went into the theatre, the seats were at quite a steep decline and my seat was the second last row... which aggravated my headache... and I had started to develop a cold and my nose was running throughout the whole show and kept sneezing... I really enjoyed the show nonetheless, it is a story that explained the beginnings of the wicked witch of the west from wizard of oz... and the conclusion was that the green witch has been widely misunderstood by the public and that she really is a good witch as well... the dialogue and singing were really good as well... I am really glad that this was my first musical and I really enjoyed it... it was worth the money spent... $58 (cheapest ones btw, which meant that you can't see the faces of the actors from where I am sitting)... it was not fully occupied during our session, although that was what it said when I was buying it online... but we were not allowed to move down... the show started at approx 2000 and ended at approx 2230 with a 15mins break in between... walked around marina bay sands after the show... all the shops there were high class shops, and there was even a small canal similar to the venetian where you can sit on a gondola and ride the canal...

7 Jan 2012... day of my party... so annoying, cos not many people came despite a fairly good response initially... anyway... went to whampoa market early to do shopping... did not do much after that, slept a little and got ready for the party... zhenzhen came first, although she only came at 1900 after saying that she will come earlier so she could go to her mother-in-laws' place for dinner... she still looks the same, ate and talked a little with her before huimin, jo and fran came... took some pics and started eating and chatting... mum cooked alot of food despite me saying multiple times not to cook so much... melissa came last, and zhenzhen had to leave by then, it was approx 0830... had dessert and they agreed to stay and play games... so in the end, the time spent on thinking up the trivia questions did not come to waste although I probably could have spend less time on it... so we did trivia first, and then decided to proceed with charade with me on jo and huimin's team, and pong, fran and melissa on the other team... it was hilarious... I have never laughed so much until my sore throat actually literally hurt just from swallowing, huimin was hilarious... I was sweating so much from the laughing and tearing up every 5mins... and after that, we decided to play the chinese words game... and that brought on another bout of crazy laughter... and huimin and melissa found out that they indirectly knew each other's friends... what a small world... the party ended at approx 2330 and papa offered to drive jo and huimin home so I went as well... I was exhausted, sweaty, hurting from my sore throat and runny nose by the end... so although not many people came in the end, I did enjoy myself thanks to mum, pong, huimin, jo, fran, zhenzhen and melissa...

8 Jan 2012... my throat hurts, my nose was still running... and did not sleep well the previous night... walked to boon keng macdonalds with pong and mum for lunch and walked at the markets for abit, before catching a train to chinatown to meet fran first for karaoke... it was so crowded at chinatown even though it was raining... went to the $10 karaoke, it was really cheap but the place was still dodgy... but we still get free flow of drinks, no more sharks' fin though... jo came after and huimin came last... all of us were drinking hot honey by the truckload... this is probably only the second time I have gone to karaoke with jo and fran since we knew each other... I enjoyed myself though, despite having to sing with a nasally voice... took a train to plaza singapura after, did alittle shopping and went to eat dinner at cafe cartel... the food was not really nice, and me having a sore throat and runny nose still meant that I could not eat alot of things... fran was telling me about her blind date and it sounds successful, so wishing her all the best and hopefully things work out for her... I dunno if I would agree to a blind date, still think it is quite risky... but it was good that it turned out well for her...

9 Jan 2012... went for my massage and facial at somerset... the massage was quite painful, had to tell the auntie to ease the pressure a little midway... and now that I am no longer having facials at Linda's place, I dunno what I am going to do... have to be alittle more diligent in doing face mask and stuff... had lunch with papa and pong at this ramen place at mandarin gallery, the ramen was not bad but did not eat much due to my sore throat and me wanting to eat other stuff, still yet to eat my mian bao jia ice cream... after that, proceeded to check out the basement at 313 somerset... nothing very exciting there, but bought this berlinger bread thing at marche bakery... went to eat at cold stone creamery again, decided to try the cinnamon flavoured ice cream, it was not nice, I was so full after that, hence missed another opportunity to eat my mian bao jia ice cream and did not get to eat the berlinger fresh... it was hard when I finally ate it... checked out the shops at orchard central... the mall was really quiet as compared to the other shopping centres in orchard... bought my BB cream, went to the sky garden, it would have been nicer at night and if it was not overcast... went to the toilet and was wondering why the seat was so hot when I realised that it was a heated toilet seat, and it is a bidet... hence checked out the various washing and drying functions... it was something new... liked the dryer function but not the washing one... the aim was not good... after that, went to check out this other new shopping place for youth, called scape... there was this really cool jap theme shop selling maid cafe costumes... and this official AKB48 shop and cafe... do people even buy stuff there??!! did not even know they were popular here, why not have a SNSD shop as well?? and this gaming cafe where you can play computer games within your own booth with a big screen per booth or traditional boardgames like mind cafe... after that. took a train to city hall peninsula plaza to buy le pat stuff... crossing my fingers and toes that I will be able to clear customs with all the food I am bringing back... took a train back to orchard taka to meet mum to check out the new year goodies even at the atrium... was raining heavily by this time... it was also crowded despite being a monday evening... seriously overcrowding has become a big issue for us now... bought some suan mei, and prawn rolls for ren... mum is going to make pineapple tarts for work... the good thing about going to such events is that there is plenty of free samples at each store... so you can pretty much eat a meal just by going... after that, we proceeded to the basement where there are more food stuff, they have renovated the food court and it is much neater now... came upon kimchi fried rice again and decided to try... not nice... have yet to find a nice one able to match ceci's standards...

10 Jan 2012... brought nainai back to redhill again... got to eat my nasi lemak, soya bean drink and hum jin beng... a little disappointed becos the portions have shrunk and not fresh... got some HK dramas off auntie esther and uncle michael also came to visit...

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