Saturday, September 25, 2010

FREakiNg oUT...

survived the first week at nepean hospital... first 3 days was hospital orientation and only on thursday did I commenced observation in the rehab unit... both in and outpatients... and that was when I started to freak out... I have no idea what to do and what to expect... and the plan for next week is for me to spend some time in the acute wards... oh man... and I found out that my position was meant for a level 2 OT... seriously... I really hope for a miracle otherwise I really dunno what I am going to do... working in a hospital is really different... cos you are surrounded by people and the OTs all gather in the staffroom to eat during lunch... there is no table, you pretty much have to hold your lunch in your lap and eat...

and what else I found out... you have to buy your own birthday cake on your birthday... you have to pay for your courses... you have to use your own pens... you have to be responsible for cleaning up urine and poo if your patient suddenly lets go, not the nurses??!! *faints*

this decision to work in the hospital is not looking too smart at this stage... what have I gotten myself into??!!

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