Tuesday, September 07, 2010


last week at RSC... hmm... just trying to get through as much as stuff as I can... got to work around 8am and finishing around 6pm and it looks like it would be like this for the whole of this week... looking forward to the one week break next week for some R & R before starting a new chapter... went to the hospital last week to submit some paperwork and met some of the OTs working there, saw some familiar faces and was informed that there will be more familiar faces when I start... don't really know if that's a good or bad thing yet...

went to teppanyaki for a company dinner last Friday and I have to say that it was really enjoyable and I had alot of fun... although it was quite a waste of food, but it was really amusing watching others and myself catching food ie raw egg, omelette and bowl of fried rice... did something embarrassing as well, did not manage to catch the raw egg and it landed on my colleague sitting next to me, the egg went all over her bag, and to top it all off, I threw my bowl at her... everyone burst out laughing... definitely one of the better company functions I have been to...

decided to hold my farewell dinner at Max Brenner on Thursday so hopefully that will be fun as well...

nothing really much else going on atm, still have yet to study for the driving test... been hooked onto Boys over Flowers again, God knows why... still in Super Junior phase... and I heard that they are having a concert in Singapore, urrgghh and it's going to be expensive, but cannot go anyway

looking forward to S.H.E concert next week, will give you an update following the concert... I am hoping that it would be better than Jay Chou's...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...