Thursday, October 07, 2010


work is going ok I guess, although I do go home with a headache most of the days due to the huge amts of brain drain... feels like I have to learn everything that was taught during uni again... and bcos we have quite alot of people now and I am working in a different area from everyone else, it is difficult to form bonds with any of them... hopefully things will become better once I get the hang of what I am supposed to do... got my new uniforms today... we are entitled to 5 shirts, 3 pants and a jacket... which is pretty good, no need to pay for them and no need to waste time and brain cells thinking of what to wear for the next day... and we get an 'allocated day off (ado)' every month, which is probably one of the few good things about working in public hospitals... the thing I really am not used to is the smell, I know it probably sounds really bad but the patients really do stink and I find myself coming into frequent contact with all sorts of body fluids... yuck...

the long weekend just passed... went to the city with pong for karaoke and went to ceci's for lunch... bought the baker king dvd... hopefully the show will become better judging from the reviews I read... atm it seems alittle draggy...

other than that, nothing very exciting happening... it's been raining these few days but it definitely looks like summer is nearing... hello flies :(

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...