Sunday, September 28, 2008

ThE moNoTONY...

haven't been blogging much lately cos there is nothing significant to blog on these days... still working on my thesis... when will this monotony and torture end??!! hopefully if everything goes well, on the 6th nov... when i hand in my thesis... and my supervisor is not helping at all, like seriously it is really my bad luck to have her as my supervisor... borrowed some dvds last week to watch... first up was street fighters with keanu reeves... it was ok, but abit disturbing cos the show depicted the corruption in the police force and the character which keanu reeves played realised that his closest friends and colleagues were the ones who were setting him up and trying to kill him... and then after that, we watched gone baby gone... not bad actually, better than i thought, and it was very thought-provoking, prisy and i initially thought that the show will turn out to be another zodiac... but luckily, it was much better...

other than that, we went for dinner at ceci's becos it was prisy's birthday so she gave us a treat and we had to wait like half an hour before there were seats... but i guess the food kind of made up for the wait... i thought that the food was definitely worth the wait though...

recently took up this casual job working with the boy with autism... had my first session with him and i seriously doubt if i have the patience and the expertise to work with him... cos it was definitely difficult on that first session... hopefully, he will get used to me slowly and i can think of something to engage him... i keep expecting the mum to tell me that there is no need for me to come anymore... and it is getting hotter everyday... ohmigod...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...