Friday, September 19, 2008


5 more weeks to go before the thesis is due... can't believe i spent 1.5 years working on this thing... i am actually so sick and tired of looking at my work now it's not funny... i just want to get it over and done with... and when everyone is busy enjoying their hols or looking for work, poor me have to endure another 4 weeks of placement... and in an area which i don't enjoy... seriously, my life cannot be any more exciting... and then yesterday was the last tut class for honours... and as i sat there listening to annie talk about due dates, i am starting to regret taking up the work with the kid with autism... even though it's only 2 days a week, but i don't know if i did the right thing by taking up this work at this crucial time... anyway, we have to see how it goes, and i keep thinking how am i going to explain to the mum when i have to go on the placement later...

anyway... went to the movies to watch hellboy 2... not bad, but i thought the first one was nicer... this one was not as scary... watched taken as well, makes me kind of wary about going to europe... if such things really happened... but i am still determined to go work in the UK... and now that auntie and uncle are back, things are back to normal again i guess... although i kind of missed the brief period of freedom now... it is freaking hot outside btw...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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