Friday, August 29, 2008


this year's birthday was not as exciting and happening as the previous two years... spent the day watching my 命中 what else... and then prisy and mich suggested that we go out for dinner in the city... so i suggested going to my fav spicy beef place in chinatown... toufic and steve came along too... after dinner, we went for dessert at passionflower... i ate my waffles... was actually tossing up between the waffles and the brownies thing but went for the waffles in the end...

i would be lying if i said i was not disappointed with this year's non-happening birthday but i guess everybody's busy with their pracs... but i was still glad that people remembered my birthday... now i am sounding like 陈欣怡。。。 haha... i guess this year's birthday wish is 1) to be able to graduate with first class honours, 2) get a job that i enjoy doing, 3) family is healthy and well, 4) get PR and 5) be able to go home... i prob should say wishes :)

attended the careers fair today at uni... i actually enjoyed the fair today, cos the reps were really helpful and friendly, and of course, got free stuff to collect... but the only thing was i wished that they have a variety of employers rather than just mostly occ rehab providers... i am actually interested in doing a prac in occ rehab to gain some work experience so hopefully i can do one after the mental health placement...

Monday, August 25, 2008


奥运会昨天结束了。。。 命中昨天也结束了。。。 从今天起,我的生活简直是了无生趣。。。 昨天的奥运会落幕典礼太好看了... 非常的精彩... 真的有一点舍不得... 真的觉得这次决定在北京举行奥运会是对的... 它给了全世界很多美好的回忆... 就像命中也一样... 它给了很多人包括我... 很多欢笑和泪水... 我想它是我至今最喜欢最好看的戏...

哦我好像回到了中学华文课写作文的时候... 太久没写中文了... 觉得非常的陌生...

Monday, August 18, 2008


i felt like smacking myself today... went for the hazard perception test to get my green Ps... and i actually failed the first time... and it was not even difficult... seriously, i don't know what I am thinking the whole time i was doing the test... and when they told me that i can choose to take the second time on the spot... i decided to do it again, but of course, i have to pay again... so all in all... i can only blame myself for wasting my time and money cos i am such a loser... :(
when the guy told me that i did not pass the test, a sense of deja vu came and i recalled last year's practical test... when i only passed after failing twice before... does this mean that i am a hazard to myself and others on the road then?

really, i feel like smacking myself... and i was sooo embarrassed as well... cos it was such an easy test, it was more like commonsense... now i have to wait another 2 more years before getting a full license...

finally, CX and XY got married yesterday on 命中... i was really touched and they actually looked so cute together... too bad we all know it's not real... i laughed till i had tears when they were dancing in the church... it was HILARIOUS... can't wait for the dvd to be out...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


since uncle and auntie left, i have been at home mostly alone, doing my stuff, whenever i like... i enjoy these periods of freedom sometimes... cos i get to do stuff i want to do whenever i want to... anyway, my thesis is slowly coming along, hopefully... and knowing that the conference is like less than a month away, i really have to start working on the poster... today went to the DFO outlet, hoping to get a blazer to wear at the conference... and finally after trying on so many, i finally found one selling at a discounted price of $40, and when i got home, i peeled off the tag and guess what, the original price of the blazer was $160!!! i was so pleased with myself... and it was not easy looking for one which was comfortable and at the same time, looked flattering...

since the start of the olympics... the 3 of us have been following the games every day, especially the swimming and the gymnastics... i have to say, this was the first time i am even watching the games... i don't think i have even bothered following the games all these years... and suddenly, we started watching and now it's kind of like the daily routine for us every night... and i am actually getting to know some of the "famous" names in swimming... like Michael Phelps... before this, if you say Michael Phelps... all you will get from me is a blank look... haha... who??
and i actually think having the olympics in china was a good thing... cos up till now, alot of people still are unaware of chinese culture, even not having a good perception of the chinese, but now, bcos of the olympics, i think the world will have a different view of the chinese now...
although i was quite upset that the chinese girl was not even the girl singing during the opening ceremony and some of the fireworks were fake... felt cheated man...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


if you have not already realised, under my avid bloggers, there are only 3 people... 3!!! nobody i know is blogging these days... it's very sad... i actually think blogging is kind of a way where i am able to go back to the previous years and look at what i was doing then... so anyway, i will continue to blog, but nothing have been really exciting lately... except august is here, which means yours truly's bday is coming, which means my conference is coming (save me!!!), which means i am about to graduate soon like in 4 months' time, i think this coming 4 months is going to be one of the most stressful period of my life...

i was really envious when i saw the picture that huimin emailed with the 3 of them wearing their graduation gowns... but thinking about that makes me worried as well... cos i dun know how i am going to handle the working life... that will be a whole new challenge... everyone around me has already started working... half of me wants to quickly finish studying and join the working people... but the other half of me still prefer to study... bcos i can still slack sometimes...

anyway, the only exciting thing was i went to watch the dark knight with prisy and family yesterday... i thought the fighting scenes were good and the joker was really creepy... heath ledger really played the role well...

on another note... i am still waiting to watch 命中 every week... now it's been confirmed that there will be 24 episodes and the show will end on the 24 aug... it's going to kill me... seriously...

Friday, August 01, 2008


Crap!!! i can't believe it's the first day of august already??!! the conference is like a month away... and i am still stuck in the dilemma of deciding on what data i want to focus on for my study... spoke to my supervisor and the thing is... i wanted to do this part but she wanted to focus on another aspect... i think at this point, i just want to be a slacker and take the easy way out, anything that will allow me to finish this asap and get me good marks, i will be very happy...

nothing much other than doing my research and waiting for the show every week... the suspense is killing me and now bcos of the good ratings last sunday, they have decided to extend the show by another week again... and it's been so cold these few days, and raining... the good thing about this whole year is that i don't have to wake up so early every day to go uni... haha...

michelle came back from overseas that day and bought chocolates, they were more like biscuits actually, for us... and she was telling us all about her adventures and the nice places that she went to... i was so envious... when will i be able to travel as well??

and this week, we had to go to uni for the placement briefing... thursday was such a long and tiring day... but i thought some of the stuff that they talked about was quite useful... about looking for jobs and writing resumes... the only thing is, i will be doing my placement only in nov (hopefully) and everyone will be finished by then... how annoying... and also bcos i am an international student, i can't apply for the hospital jobs until i have got my PR ... so i am so at a disadvantage ... and apparently we can't work as a full-fledged OT until we have gotten out transcripts, and that will only be out in dec... so i dunno... but after the briefing, karen came up with this spur of the moment idea that the 3 of us go karaoke, since we have not been for awhile... so in the end, amelia drove and we sang till 10pm... i was exhausted by then... i just want to go sleep by the time i got home... the good thing about going with them is i sang all the songs that i wanted to sing, even got to sing the "命中” songs...

today was another session where the uni invited OTs from different areas to come speak to us and answer our enquiries... it was really useful actually... after that, decided to go have lunch, since we won't be seeing each other for awhile... went to the same vietnamese place at lidcombe again... and this time, i quite liked the dish i ordered... it was chicken and crispy noodle... not bad... it was good to be able to catch up with everyone... still thinking whether to attend the grad ball cos it's very expensive... it's going to cost me around $120 at least and plus, i don't have anything nice to wear and then have to spend money to buy... alamak, so "麻烦”

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...