Monday, February 04, 2008

ANothEr 4 DaYS to CNY...

met up with siti and veena last week... first at NUS and then we went to mind cafe at boat quay... it's just quite upsetting to know that our NJ clique went from 6 to 3 people... i guess as time passes, people slowly grow and have their own commitments and new people... well... i can't really force them to come if they dun want to make the effort... I had fun at minds cafe... we played ticket to ride, taboo, and some really stupid brainless games... and laughed alot as well... after that, we went to eat fondue at max brenner's cos siti wanted to try the fondue... after that, we headed to marina square to have dinner... i was so full after... and they suggested changing the class gathering venue to minds cafe instead of bowling... well, i have to ask everyone's opinions first then...

met up with denise also for brunch... at kovan hawker centre... it was my first time there by the way... the wanton noodle was quite nice... I also got to drink soya bean... yummy... dunno whether is it too full or the sun... I had a headache after and I really wanted to go home... so I did not follow denise to little india after...

btw, we are also looking to buy a new camera, cos apparently to repair the lens cost about 200 bucks, so we decided to get a new one... anyone has any good recommendations? of course, it must be at a reasonable price and good quality...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...